How do you hold your tears?

  1. Do you mean ‘how do you hold back tears when you feel like crying?’. I don’t cry often, so when I do, I let them out rather than holding them back.

  2. I think about how my tears are too expensive to waste on insignificant 💩.

  3. I don’t. It’s my body’s natural way of trying to regulate itself.

  4. I sing big girls don’t cry in my head, and dig my nails into my skin to distract myself.

    Mixed results

  5. I cry but hold it until no one is around me, most often at night. I know it’s not a healthy outlook, but I feel very vulnerable when I cry in front of people, regardless of how close they are to me. I don’t want to show my weaknesses to anyone

  6. I don’t. I’ll excuse myself if needed, but I don’t stop myself from crying.

  7. Deep breaths, slightly holding my breath between inhales and exhales. I usually give myself a cracking headache though.

    Unless the tears are caused by anger/frustration. Then I cannot hold them.

  8. I feel like crying isn’t productive. Often, someone wants me to cry or would be satisfied by it, so I starve them of that.

  9. I can’t, when I’m about to blubber there is no going back. I ugly cry too, snorters and the lot

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