i know i’m gonna sounds super fucking shallow but hear me out im trying to work on it
i’m 20F and i would consider myself above average looking and i feel like i’ve meet some super good guys but i just can’t bring myself to be physically attracted to them. not that they are terribke looking by any means i just feel like i’m really picky and into looks and self care working out ect. here is the fucked up part okay all of my friends (they are stunning) who do have a boyfriend get treated pretty well although obvi all couples fight but their bfs are just not the best looking. so at this point do i just settle do i need to be realistic. i cant force myself to be attracted to these super sweet guys but i wish i could. am i terrible for thinking this

  1. If there’s no attraction, then the relationship has no chance. It doesn’t make you a bad person. It doesn’t matter if your friends’ boyfriends aren’t good looking, because your friends (presumably) find their boyfriends attractive, even if you don’t.

    It’s OK to be picky and want someone you find attractive, what would be shallow is if you’re being picky to have someone to show off.

  2. It’s not great, but if you’re not attracted to someone there isn’t anything else you can do. You’re a kid; no, you don’t need to settle at 20 lol but as you age, you may realize there’s a lot more than the way someone looks when looking for a partner.

  3. Not at all, physical attraction is one of the most important things in a relationship.

  4. I mean, if you’re only expecting model looks, that’s one thing.

    But it’s fine to have a certain expectations on looks.

    Just be careful, pretty boys can be assholes 😆

  5. don’t settle. nothing worse than settling and realizing that it will never work out and breaking their heart.

  6. Unless these guys are highly skilled in bed/fun, your friends are most likely insecure and using these guys. I don’t think it’s morally right to date people for self esteem and security reasons.

    Ultimately, people care about their sexual pleasure and looks do not determine how romantically skilled someone is. Unrequited love tends to end people tragically. It’s ok to be single.

  7. U can date or not date anyone for any reason you want to.

    Just remember attraction is a 2 way street.

    U think ur “settling” but u could be shooting out of your league as that say. And the guy ur “settling” for might just be the best u can do.

  8. Always go with someone that is attractive to you and makes you smile. But also realize they dont have to be over the top with the looks either. You should try to open yourself up to the idea that they are a good person character wise and are fun to hangout with. Plus how they treat you is important. You will have people that look great but their character stinks.

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