I’m currently 32 and since turning 30 I’ve noticed a large drop in my energy levels. Not much has changed lifestyle-wise; similar diet, similar or even easier work load, same hobbies and socialising and my alcohol consumption has actually dropped significantly.

By mid-afternoon I feel like I’ve already been awake for most of a day and I struggle to stay up if I’m out with my partner or friends on the weekend.

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  2. Nope. I am 30 and actually feel like I’ve been peaking since 26 or so physically and am still on the upswing

    Maybe check with your doctor, could have some sort of deficiency

  3. 47 here – I do remember feeling more tired in the afternoons in my 30s. That hasn’t been the case in my 40s though.

    I had a kid at 34, lack of sleep in the early days of parenthood was a factor but honestly that didn’t change my afternoon energy levels much.

    I think the big difference for me is that I used to lift weights a lot in my 20s and 30s. In my 30s I found that I got really tired after lunch (regardless of whether I had already worked out that day), and was in general, hungry a lot more often.

    In my mid-late 30s I stopped lifting weights and started running. Since then, I haven’t experienced afternoon fatigue at all.

    Now if you ask me how I feel in the early evenings in my 40s, that’s a different story. I generally feel exhausted at 8pm and can’t wait to get to bed. But with housework, a kid and 2 dogs, that’s generally impossible much before 10pm.

  4. Nah, not really. I don’t feel any differently than when I was in my 20’s.

  5. I was a little more tired around my 30, had some back pain and some inflammation more often, but now I feel pretty fit and healthy again (37M, having one year old child). Feels like I’m in my 20s again.

  6. Nope, I’m rounding the corner of 35 and I feel I have a lot of energy. I have less patience for certain things, and I don’t like staying up super late anymore, but I actually think I have *more* energy now as a result of better discipline, habits, and a healthier lifestyle.

  7. Nothing wrong with an early afternoon nap, my guy. Listen to your body. A quick siesta can be very invigorating.

  8. I dont really feel that instead i lack sleep.

    When its boring its boring maybe your lind know how little you care about those things. Cause this i noticed, theres a lot of stuff i cannot do anymore because it bores me. I know some people fall asleep when thzy are bored.

  9. I definitely have more energy in my 40s than 30s, simply because I work out regularly now and know nutrition. I was a lazy bum in my early 30s and ate horribly.

  10. Nah my energy moves depending on how horrible my behavior is. When I follow the rules I still feel great

  11. I am 30 and I tired AF all the time. I feel better if I do a hard workout though.

  12. Yes but not very much. Sounds like you may have a health problem.

  13. Before I changed my diet and exercised 4 times a week I felt like this. Since I started, I’m fitter and more alert the whole day. Sometimes all the way up to midnight. I force myself to sleep sometimes because if I don’t, my PB’s will suffer.

  14. I did but then I figured out it was because of my diet. The normal American stuff was slowly killing me. Just seems to get more important as you age. Lol

  15. Late 30’s and more energy than ever. I also take better care of myself than I ever did in my twenties so it might have something to do with it.

  16. Yes, but I’ve been able to combat it a good bit. My energy definitely dropped, but I was also living a really unsustainable lifestyle in my early 20’s.

  17. Absolutely. I also had my thyroid removed. I am always tired. I can not remember the last time I felt rested and full of energy. Being a parent doesn’t help, the energy I have just gets sapped. Also I will be 40 in a month and everything hurts.

  18. Nope. I kept my diet and exercise in check and the only drop in energy happened after I became a dad lol

  19. I’d also describe it less of a drop in energy levels and more of a drop in stamina in the sense that I can’t go out until 2 am and bounce back the next day. I still have it in me to do that but the recovery is the main issue. I’m speaking more in regards to alcohol recovery/consumption.

    If I eat well, get sleep, etc. I don’t feel less tired during the day. I’m in very good shape and also lean (~200lbs). The main thing for me is sleep, if I fuck up on sleep I definitely feel quasi-hungover. If anything, I think due to the decrease in alcohol consumption I generally feel better overall…my gym lifts are currently at the highest they’ve ever been.

  20. Check with your doctor. I’m 32 as well and if anything I have more energy now- one thing that’s changed is I have started going to the gym before work so I get fresh energy while at work.

  21. Despite all the advice you’re going to get. I eventually just got to testosterone therapy I’ve been on an 8 year since I feel like I’m 18 every day.

  22. Just a heads up fellas. Sleep apnea does not require you to be obese or otherwise medically unhealthy. While there are things that can exacerbate it or cause it, there are many many more things that it could be that are completely out of your control.

  23. I’m currently 38 and yes, I’ve noticed but I also think covid and lockdowns had a lot to do with it

  24. No, I actually feel better than my 20s because I’ve really dialed in healthy lifestyle and diet and stopped most bad habits. Of course sometimes I don’t get enough sleep and have bad days but that’s normal.

  25. I became a dad at 27, so in my early 30s, I felt drained, but it was more the change in my life becoming a dad. Ironically, I’m 37 & feel like I have more energy now than when I was 30

  26. Nope. I was diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed Adderall at 33 (36 now). I have way more energy now than I ever have. I used to always crash hard after lunch until 5-6PM, now I feel energized pretty much all day. And for the most part that even goes for days I don’t take stimulants, thanks to better energy/focus management.

    Kind of cheating though haha.

  27. Yeah definitely. I’m also 32 and I grew up competitive swimming and also just being very hyperactive and fit in general. I always had a great appetite and usually had no trouble going about my day. In the last 3-4 years, my energy levels have absolutely cratered and I’m finding myself not being able to stay up past 10:30 anymore. I still exercise a lot, but I literally don’t have that zest anymore. My sex drive is also almost non existent. My blood levels and everything are fine, but I just don’t have that drive anymore. I’m literally always tired, and its getting really irritating and kind of concerning. It may be mental health issues, but I’m not entirely sure

  28. Yes… kind of. It might have been a coincidence, but it felt more like a choice I made than one that age made for me. I’m allowing my energy levels to drop because 30 years is enough of putting in extra effort to cover up the bullshit of life.

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