
  1. Maybe you dont smile enough? Maybe your eye contact is off? Maybe your conversational skills aren’t strong.

  2. I have a tendency to spew overtly sexual innuendo when I am uncomfortable or just done peopling. It’s not that I can’t “read a room”, it’s that I don’t care to. I also have a stern face and sarcasm runs deep, deep enough that people may think I am differently abled.

  3. Do they really matter this much to you? If yes, go and have normal understandable conversation. If no, stop giving that much fuck bout people.

  4. I know a girl no one likes. She isn’t mean or anything, and no one want to be mean back but it’s impossible to make interesting conversation with her. She butts into private convos to try and make friends, but it just annoys people. So we all end up ignoring her a lot. Which is awkward for everyone but she just keeps trying making it even more awkward. I think if you have particular interests different from others, if you have a weird sense of humour That can make things more difficult. It can be the way you express yourself (too forward). But really it can be so many things none of us here could really say what.

  5. Why do you thing they dont like you?

    What did they say?

    How did they look to you?

  6. Some people are liked because of their looks or some other aesthetic that people respond to a certain way. Not everybody will have this effect on people even if we think (or wish) we do.

  7. Sharpen your social skills. Idk your social situation, but it could be a self-fulfilling prophecy. You think people dont like you, which then makes you act a bit hostile/snobbish, which then makes people perceive you as asocial/ hostile.

  8. Same. I feel like I’m left out of all the the conversations with my friends and I don’t know why.

  9. I‘m an attractive female, but have zero confidence, so women hate me :(. They see me as competition from a looks standpoint, and I get no respect because I am shy, don’t carry myself way, so I am not admired or looked up to, just looked down on and kept at bay/away.

  10. That’s *too* vague.

    In the first place, why do you think they dislike you?

  11. Did OP delete the text body or did they really make this vague ass post expecting answers? Or was the problem evident in the text body? Ha…

  12. I always felt like an outsider growing up. Everyone seemed to already be in cliques and know each other even in kindergarten. I realized as I got older a large reason everyone seemed to already be friends was because they were, they were on sports teams with each other, or knew each other from some sort of afterschool activity like scouts, chess club, dance classes. Kids can get weirdly tribal; if you weren’t introduced through their cliques it’s really hard to just walk up and make friends with someone.

    I was never very well coordinated, just bad at sports, hand eye coordination, even dance. The thing I got into was theater. I had friends in those after school classes, but I didn’t really find peers who were into it until I got into middle school and we actually had those sorts of classes available. Even then I wasn’t super social, until I found my real passions in college and I could meet people who had different interests and still have my own things to talk about.

    Best advice I can give is to explore yourself and your interests, join a club and try to connect with people through your passions!

  13. Don’t try to make friends as others have said, do stuff and enjoy life and people will want to enjoy it with you. If you fail get back up and try again, learn from social mistakes and set yourself up with new opportunities. Be self aware of yourself and others, come up with cool things to do and ask in a organic way. Just whenever it pops up, start talkin about a place and say how fun it is, see the potential friends actions, do they like what your talking about? Now just bring it up that you would take them or that you guys should go sometime. And don’t rush shit, it could be a year or a month til you do it but you’ll start compounding shit to do this way.
    Also don’t make yourself to available and even if you don’t have friends act like you got a good core group of people you hang with and when your busy tell the potential friend you have plans with so and so and that will make it attractive to kick it with you.
    The art of not giving a fuck unless your really having a good time with something g is crucial, no one wants fake people or a know it all. Stay humble and there’s no reason why no one would hang out with you.

  14. For myself I think it’s because I irritate, annoy, frustrate and anger people. I don’t do this intentionally but I believe I jar the rhythm and vibe of interactions and engagements due to my actions and behaviour.

    I can’t say I’m comfortable around people for various reasons and therefore I do find it difficult to relax and feel at ease around people. I have cognitive difficulties which makes it tiresome for other individuals and which also makes it difficult for me to stimulate peoples interest and conjure up their strength to talk with me, I am a bit oppositional and different, therapists have thought I may be autistic but it’s unclear without a thorough psychiatric evaluation and I can’t be bothered for that. I do come across boring and reserved and that is mostly because I don’t trust people due to bad experiences and I most likely am boring unless I hit it off with someone that shares a similar passion hobby of mine.

    I’ve lost my sense of humour over time and it’s hard to revive it.

    I hope these are some ideas that may offer you some ideas for self reflection.

    These are things I’m seeking to change whilst simultaneously recognising it is how it presently is to an extent due to ill health and possibly conditioning. People will come and go from my life, I have myself and that’s where I place the vast majority of my care.

  15. I suspect you don’t like yourself, and that is something you can change. Learn to meditate, practice mindfulness, learn to identify your self talk and label it as such, then learn how to challenge it. Is it really true that “people dislike you”? Which people? And do they really dislike you or do they just enjoy bullying? Maybe what is more true is that only mean people say they dislike you because you are not mean like they are. Learn to see yourself as a hero in your life, because you ARE the hero in your life.

    Do the things that give you pleasure. Find other people who like those things too and do the things together sometimes. Hang out with dogs, if you like them they will like you. Treat yourself well. Make decisions that support yourself, your happiness and your future. Don’t try to please anyone else until you know they are worthy of it. It is okay to put yourself first in this world because if you don’t, who will? When you find people who you love and who love you, it will be different but right now, love yourself and look after yourself.

    There is so much more. Learn what you can about liking and loving yourself and learn to apply it.

    You’ll be okay. You are cool enough and self aware enough to post today. You are probably a wonderful person who hasn’t yet found your tribe.

  16. Not everyone is as bad as they seem. I used to think this way too but I just realised I have a really low self esteem and it’s all in my head

  17. I have the same problem. I always assumed it’s because I’m fat, but I don’t know for sure, and it bothers me that I’ll probably never really know why I can’t make friends. I don’t what it is about me that immediately puts people off.

  18. don’t force conversations,focus on yourself and stop giving a crap about others (in the end friends should just be an extension of you and your interests) if its the other way around there will be friction and it will be arkward

    there are billions in this world and chances are some of them like things similar to you (but in the end what you do is what you attract) so be the best you can be and leave those that ignore your existence in the dust

    the best revenge is living well after all

  19. So relate to this. I join groups and they’re friendly enough and then I discover they have whole things going on that are kept secret from me because I’m not invited.

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