Women who have been able to stop feeling guilty about sex due to religion, how did you do it?

  1. Left the cult I was raised in, lots and lots of therapy, explored my sexuality with people I trusted, and just kept reminding myself that all the stuff I learned as a young woman about sex from my church and family was lies. I’ve been out of the church for almost 20 years and I give absolutely zero fucks now 🥳

  2. Getting therapy, setting boundaries and in some cases separate yourself from the religion/church/people that push the guilt. Having trust and communication with intimate partners. Learning the real facts behind consent, intimacy, sex, and biology as well are all things that helped me.

  3. cultural catholic here, not practicing anymore, just a contentious observer now. God has more important things to worry about than me getting d1ck3d down, and if he doesn’t, then God is just a freak just as much as I am.

  4. Ex-Mormon here. I (26F) haven’t had sex yet, so I don’t know if my answer will count, but I find therapy and ketamine treatments very helpful!

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