I’m a 23 year old guy and I’ve been working in a restaurant for a little over a month, everybody’s super friendly and asks me things like what my hobbies are what music do I listen to what games am I into and even asked me out for drinks etc but I basically have no hobbies. I work too much and don’t have much time for anything but relaxing and watching TV, I listen to literally anything and I don’t drink so I can’t really use that to hang out. If people talk to me I’m basically a brick wall. AmI too boring to make any friends? How do you talk with people if you’re not an interesting person in general?

  1. If you think that you’re boring from the beginning you’re probably giving that impression. Try to talk about things you’re passionate about, people are more interested about people that can talk about things they love without acting fake to please everyone. If you don’t have anything you really love then start by finding something, it could be sport, video games, anything. No one is too busy for anything, you just chose to be as it’s easier for you to accept. Go out of that comfort zone and thing about the times you might be procrastinating and replace them with something you enjoy. In no time you will make friends, trust me I’m not the most sociable person but I managed to make friends like this, you don’t need many friends, you just want the few good ones that you’ll keep for years to come.

  2. Are you me? haha🙂 won’t go further but the interest at work mismatch so much for me aswell.🙂

  3. You can also talk about the tv shows that you enjoy. It’s ok to say that you are so busy working so you don’t have much time for hobbies. But you like to watch tv in your down time and your favorite show is blank. Or the latest show you watched is blank and I loved/hated it and here is why. People love talking about tv and getting recommendations.
    Also if they invite you for a drink and you don’t drink you can let them know this and maybe come up with an alternative idea. I don’t drink but do you want to meet for coffee or a hike tomorrow instead since we are both off? Or do you want to come over – I’m making some yummy cookies/I bought some snacks and we can watch that show I was telling you about.
    You are lucky to work in an environment with friendly people!

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