Last Christmas I bout my gf a promise ring. I think she lost it around March or April. It comes up sometimes when we argue and she feels terrible about. I can attest to the fact that she wore it always unless she was dealing with water.

The thing is, the last time she saw it

(mind you this conversation is happening immediately after noticing it’s missing)

Was the day she got her house cleaned.

My friend (M33)’s girlfriend (F26) does home cleanings and l’ve hired her many times. This was the only time my gf hired

My gf said she remembered leaving the ring in an area near where the cleaning took place.

Months later I’m kind of staying with my gf as we are getting a new place together soon and I catch myself looking for the ring all over the house when she’s not home.

It’s a beautiful 14k ring that I cannot replace not only be of price but be the jewelry store was actually closing and having a holiday sale at the time.

I know how much she loved that ring/how often she wore it and I just don’t see how it hasn’t turned up.
Now I’m actually starting to suspect my friends gf.
She’s always been great but she does have her certain ways – I don’t use her for cleaning anymore for other reasons – sadly I can’t say i know her well enough to put it past her. Advice?

  1. > Now I’m actually starting to suspect my friends gf.

    I really don’t understand why you assume her friend stole it…. things get lost all the time, and it could have been an accident.

    Also….you mentioned kids in another post…so what if one of the kids played with it and lost it?

    > It’s a beautiful 14k ring that I cannot replace not only be of price but be the jewelry store was actually closing and having a holiday sale at the time.

    14k gold or a ring worth 14k? If you can’t replace a ring due to it being very pricey, why not get it insured?

  2. YTA. You don’t have a shred of evidence that the woman stole it. From the fact that you still bring it up in arguments and searched your gf’s place for it behind her back, this is something that is still bothering you. Don’t take it out on the freelance housekeeper unless you have proof. Be mad at your gf for losing it in the first place if you have to be mad at someone.

  3. I get what you guys are saying. I don’t think you understand how much we’ve looked for the ring over the months. And you’re acting as if it’s the first thought. How can something someone keeps with them everyday all of a sudden lost forever? This is called ADVICE. We never jumped to this conclusion. So you’re saying that it should be 100% ruled out?

  4. If your GF feels bad for losing it, and neither of you can find it, let it go!!! Quit bringing it up when you fight – that’s on you!

    Things happen. Items get lost. Even special items. The most careful person on the planet can misplace something once or twice. Then it rolls on the ground, gets stuck under the baseboard, sucked up in a vacuum (yes, that’s possible), just flat lost!

    Even if your GF’s friend did take it, what do you expect her to do about it – especially without proof? And what if she didn’t take it? Would you even believe her if it’s the truth?

    I get you spent money on something special. Your GF loved it, too. **But it’s lost now** You can let that one thing destroy your whole relationship, or you can choose to let it go and move on with life. If a single material item is worth months of continually berating your partner and blowing up your relationship, may you should split…

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