What was your favourite breakfast cereal as a kid?

  1. Kix was my favorite that I regularly got. But Corn Pops, Honeycomb, CTC, or Apple Jacks were all favorites when I got the single-serving mix pack on vacation. My sister and I would fight over those ones.

  2. Crispy Critters!!! I loved them. My mom didn’t let me eat sugary cereals, but this one was ok for some reason. Otherwise, corn flakes, Crispix and Cheerios which I still love but I moved to another country that doesn’t have them and I miss them so so much.

  3. Just ordinary Cheerios, but _not generic supermarket-brand ‘toasted oats’_. There’s a particular toasted grain flavor that I really like.

  4. Either Captain Crunch or Cookie Crisp depending on if I wanted chocolate or fruit flavor that day.

  5. Quaker Oatmeal Squares. They were on the pricey side so we didn’t get them often, but to this day they’re still my favorite cereal.

  6. Honey Comb.

    Now, hear me out, its even better dry after leaving it out in the open to get a little stale and chewy.

  7. My mom never bought sugary cereals. NEVER. I grew to really enjoy old-man cereal, like Wheaties, Corn Flakes, Grape-Nuts, and Raisin Bran. Wheat / Corn / Rice Chex, Kix (slightly sweet), all are good. I particularly like Grape-Nuts that have soaked in milk for long enough to be soft and sloppy.

    As an adult, I think Reese’s Peanut Butter Puffs cereal is my favorite. Cap’n Crunch is also pretty dope, with or without Crunch Berries.

  8. As a kid? Just as a kid? Shit, I’m 35 and I still eat cereal.

    Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Frosted Mini Wheats.

  9. We were poor, pre food stamp days. The go-to was generic plain corn flakes. My dad tried to “fancy them up” from time to time by topping them with leaded paint chips of of the peeling windowsills. This added a level of sweetness to the bland cereal.

  10. Froot Loops. So crunchy you could irritate your mouth eating your way through a bowl, but so full of amazing completely artificial flavor! And the milk left at the bottom of the bowl when you where done? Pure, sugary go-juice!

  11. Lucky charms was like crack for me growing up, I’d left alone I could finish a whole box by myself in like 1 hour. I’ve since grown out of eating it but occasionally will buy a box to relive the good days.

  12. I was a freakin weirdo as a kid & loved bland cereals (still do). Forget about captn crunch and froot loops…. My fave was puffed rice!

  13. Capt’n Crunch. Almost never got to eat though because my mom took a nutrition class once in college

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