Men that are in long term relationships, how long into it did you lose the insatiable “I wanna fuck all the time” lust? Were you able to get the passion back? How often do you and your partner have sex now?

  1. 9 years in and I still want to fuck her the second I see her every day

  2. After about a year or so. Thank god or nothing would ever get done. We’ve been together for 15 years and 2-3 a week.

  3. I’ve been with my wife and partner for 28 years and they still give me butterflies. And we’re old now (I’m 60 and they’re 59 and 53) but, when it comes to sex, we still act like lusty teens, and all the aches and pains go away for sex. They’re still on my mind every minute of every day, and I still rush to see them after work every day. So, I’ve never really lost that “honeymoon lust” for them, and doubt that I will until I die… Even if my shit stops working🤣

  4. 22years married. still hasn’t gone away. i’m much more content to wait for her to be in the mood now. we both got older and her libido has recently kicked back up and i can barely hang sometimes.

  5. Going on six years now and I can’t keep my hands off of her. That new relationship energy settle down a long time ago. But the lost and passion that we have for each other and our relationship has stayed strong.

  6. I think the only thing that has changed is the length of the sessions. We don’t really do marathon, multi-round sessions anymore. But we still have sex regularly. We try to do it every other night after 14 years together but, you know, schedule and such.

  7. I don’t think lust should ever end in a relationship you’re putting your all into. If it’s lost, than I think the relationship is lost which means neither party cares as much for the other. I have been with my partner 6 years and we lust for each other everyday. We have sex everyday, multiple times a day most of the time. It doesn’t get old or boring because I love my partner more than anything and that’s how we show our love.

  8. Been with her about 30 years and I do not think I lost it yet. I’m still a happy mother fucker.

  9. When she started flirting with another man in the middle of our honeymoon. And not playfully flirting, but full attention grabbing (I don’t exist moment), staring into each other’s eyes, arm touching, and body language reflecting openness. It didn’t help that he was 6ft and very good looking.

    But of course my wife has no recollection of this. It must have been that spell the guy put on her.

    I thought it was just tad disrespectful considering we were literally in the midst of celebrating our marriage…

  10. I already have a lower sex drive, so we weren’t really having sex all the time to start, but I will say that when I do, the thought of me wanting to do it hasn’t changed

  11. Do men most men ever really loose interest in sex? He still wants to fuck all the time after 10 years. But, personally, as a woman, I started loosing interest and dropping the connection when he started having controlling snaps where he treated me like shit.

  12. It’s not like I don’t want to, I sure want. But after kids and stuff and all the time when fucking is off the table, just being around is not enough to arouse, I need a prelude. I don’t know when I have noticed it, some years in.

  13. Been married 20 years. Has never lessened. I still chase her around the house daily.

  14. I didnt get a chance to lose the interest. She gave up on it after about a year.

  15. My wife and I have a very healthy sexual relationship, but neither of us is particularly horny all the time. So it works for us. We have sex probably 3-4 times a week but honestly it works for both of us. Been together for over 10 years, everything is great! It’s about what you as a couple want.

    I have some friends that never have sex with their SO, and some that basically fuck every day. Not every relationship is the same.

    Things happen though. I mean hell, even on our anniversary this year, my wife and I traveled and stayed at an awesome place for a week. I think we had sex twice the whole time. You know what though? We had an incredible time. It’s all about what works for both of you as a couple.

  16. I didn’t get over it, she did. No, her depression is horrible, but there are times when things pick back up. It’s just one of those things where because we have a mismatched love language that she just chooses to ignore mine. On average, maybe 1.5 times a month.

  17. I didn’t. Still crazy about her and want her all the time. Sadly, she lost her lust for me when we moved in together. : /

  18. Together 28 years, married almost 26. Still chase her around the coffee table, just not every day any more.

  19. Together 15 years and I cant help myself around her and we still go at it 3 to 4 times a week still! Shes so hot! Lucky dude right here.

  20. we are 10+ years in, and we are still that way for the most part. Work, schedules, etc can get in the way sometimes, but we stay around 3-4 a week.

    The “secret” really isn’t a secret at all: Stay hot. I mean it. You both need to stay in good shape, work out, eat right, stay healthy, etc.

    If one or both of you gets fat and let’s yourself go, it is a lot harder to keep things going.

  21. For context, im 24F and my partner 25M, been together for 1.5 years. I finished the honeymoon phase after 1 month of officially being together. We were sleeping together for a week before we officially got together. My partner however, i think he was over the honeymoon phase after 2-3 ish months of us being together. Regardless, the first few weeks we were fucking almost every single day. After that it was 2-3 times consistently, and usually consecutively

    It might be because I spent a lot of time taking care of him from the start, so he might have felt a bit more, hm, protected and well-taken care of, and loved. Whereas for me, he barely took care of me at the start, he only started becoming more nurturing towards me after half a year of us being together. That’s probably why the honeymoon phase for me ended quicker compared to that of his

  22. 32 years in I had a libido issue for a few months that was resolved with testosterone treatment – I want her all the time and always have. She’s absolutely incredible both in the sack and out, how anyone could be as lucky as I am, I do not know. I only know she’s my treasure.

  23. never. we had a few low points, but they were brief and far between. honestly the sex has only ever gotten better. 10 years now and i feel like we are 16 again with 20 something years of experience.

  24. 2o years and it’s an up & down thing.

    Having young kids put a damper on it for about a decade (we have 3) to where depending on stress, schedules, etc we were anywhere from 1-3 times a week.

    After the youngest got out of the toddler stage (at about 15 yrs of marriage) we entered a second honeymoon phase for several years & it’s effects are still being felt. We were really steady at 5 times a week during that and even now are 3-5 times a week depending on health, stress, schedules, etc.

  25. We’ve been together for almost 20 years and we still have sex regularly and are happy together. I don’t think it will ever go away

  26. If you want to keep it going, rekindle it, etc., then you have to keep trying. It goes away when you both get comfortable, take on other priorities, or take each other for granted.

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