Title. Do I 32M attract ghosts? Of my last 6 dates (experiences. Some of these have gone multiple dates) 5 have ended with me getting ghosted. Various stages usually get to at least a second. Most recently and probably most painful was someone I “met” IRL/ off apps that I went to HS with. Went great for 3 dates. She went on a relatively benign girls trip and after telling me she “ can’t wait to see you again” stood me up for our 4th date. I’ve looked at our texts with the most critical lense I can and can’t see what should have been off putting.

  1. I am not sure you necessarily attract ghosts (especially if they’re ghosting after more than one date), but I don’t know you so can’t say for sure.

    What I can say, is that I do think ghosting is becoming more normal and frequent amongst online dating. It’s really unfortunate, but I’ve seen this as more of a trend these days.

  2. I think ghosts aren’t attracted to you rather that’s is just the trend I’ve personally noticed with dating. ..especially online dating.
    Used to people would meet in person and tell them if things weren’t working out. Potentially give some feed back and they went on their merry way.
    Now it’s the trend to just cut the person off with no closure. So you are just kind of left alone to figure what went wrong.
    Sorry you are dealing with that situation. It will get better with time. Just do you and move on to he next.

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