I need to do something about this before it’s too late. 3 years ago I was let down by someone who really messed me up. Ever since she did that, it’s been difficult for me to be happy around couples – and I’m tired of pretending I am.

Whenever I see couples having the time of their lives (even my parents – sad, I know) I have this weird depression where I want to walk away from them – no matter how close they are to me. It’s gotten to the point where they keep questioning why I keep avoiding them – but I don’t know how to respond to them besides “you’re happiness is making me sad”.

It even go to the point where now; my closest friend who knows what I’m going through and gives me the best advice – just announced that she’s getting married, and now I’m beginning to feel like I want to distant myself from them.

I don’t want that.

She’s good people. In fact, I’m proud of them, but seeing this level of happiness is hurting me for some reason. I want to do something before it’s too late.

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