Everyone still have eight fingers and two thumbs today ?

  1. I somehow, ended up in the radiology subreddit – I’ve seen quite a few images that make me really glad fireworks are completely illegal here in Massachusetts — not that it didn’t stop an acquaintance from blowing his head off in front of his family.

  2. I leave the explosives to the professionals personally, so yeah. Didn’t stop the city of Seattle from hitting my neighbor’s houseboat during their Lake Union fireworks show though lol.

  3. I actually have 6 fingers on my right hand, so unless that kid Inigo Montoya comes around I should be fine.

  4. Yeah, went to Zaxbys and had a good Big Zax Snack. So I had a total of eight fingers and two thumbs. Good times.

    >!If you don’t get it: It’s a joke about chicken fingers!<

  5. Friend of mine was on call (hand surgeon). 4 people in my city are down at least a digit.

  6. I have all my fingers, thumbs and other dangly parts. But I have a number of singed butt hairs from shooting bottle rockets out of my ass.

  7. Why wouldn’t I? I know how to properly light off fireworks and I wasn’t under the influence of anything.

  8. Well yeah. I only shoot guns in my neighborhood on July 4th. And only in the air where the boolits won’t hit anything. Duh!


  9. I still have all of my fingers, but I definitely got a few singes to my hair standing under them! I was invited as a GUEST to a cookout at my SIL’s house. My BIL decided that since he “cooked” dinner (literally just hotdogs on the grill), my SIL and I had to do the fireworks with the kids. It was incredibly annoying.

  10. Absolutely!

    A couple of them are over there in an ice bag, but I’m sure they’ll reattach just fine.

  11. So far everyone I’ve asked has the same number they had six months ago.

  12. I am a barber, I had three different doctors in various ERs iny chair today. None of them saw less than 8 people missing fingers from firecrackers

  13. All fingers but there were 4 fires including the field where the city has it’s display shooting and directly behind Walmart from the finale.

  14. Yeah but I now understand why the native I bought those fireworks from told me not to set them off on gravel and why eye protection is important.

  15. They call ’em fingers, but I never seen ’em fing.

    Oh wait, there they go.

  16. Yep. My wife and I live in a high rise overlooking our city in a state where fireworks are legal. It kind of sounded like Bakhmut out there for awhile.

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