I mean sure I’ve heard it before, loving yourself is mainly it and not comparing yourself to others. But what do you do/did you do to gain confidence?

  1. I think one of my biggest strengths is my confidence. I dunno how I got it, but I will attempt to help.

    I think the main thing is to adopt the mindset of not giving a shit. Who cares if you said that thing, who cares if you wear that or eat that or act like that. Literally no one. We all have busy lives, people only have so many braincells to care. Own who you are. Most societal rules are dumb anyways.

    Hope this helps, lol.

  2. no one give a fuck about what you do. even if they did, who cares? why should you care about the opinion of some rando? repeat that to yourself every time you find yourself caring too much abt what others think. its so important to notice when you’re overthinking. get good at something and acknowledge that you’re good at it. like i’ve gotten pretty good at writing. thats one thing i know im better at than the average person, and i keep getting better at it the more i practice. that makes me feel good about myself. it doesn’t even have to be a hobby. for example, if you start doing something like working out or sleeping early. your doing something for yourself that makes you a little bit better than the person you were yesterday, and a little bit better than a large majority of other people. also never ever EVER talk negatively about yourself. even if you think its true, even if you think you deserve it. dont criticize yourself. you are only hurting yourself. whenever you find yourself having a negative thought about yourself, shut it down immediately, dont engage. OR challenge that thought. for example: if you say “im so lazy ive done nothing today” you can challenge that by saying “thats ok. im only human. i still have some time today to do at least one thing productive. and if i don’t, i always have tomorrow.”

  3. In addition to not caring what others think as others have suggested, learning about human history helped me stop putting people on pedestals. It also made me accept pain and discomfort more, which is handy when you encounter people who don’t take kindly to you being yourself.

  4. The fake it until you make it sentence worked for me. I was extremely shy and not confident a few years ago, but convincing myself that I am a confident person made me one.

  5. Well, I gained confidence by wearing a superhero cape, strutting my stuff, and singing I Will Survive in the shower. Works like a charm!

  6. Well, I put on a cape and shouted I am awesome! while dancing on my neighbor’s roof. Works like a charm!

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