I’m Canadian but I love the 25th amendment. Maybe that’s because I love political shows and the drama it entails but I just thinks it’s a good one.

Try and pick something more exciting than #1 & #2

  1. 14th. Its equal protection and due process clauses enabled many other rights. Using the 14th Amendment, the Supreme Court incorporated most of the protections from the Bill of Rights so that they now apply to state governments, which wasn’t originally the case.

    Plus, birthright citizenship really annoys the Nativists.

  2. Since you want to exclude the first two, I will go with the tenth.

    The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

  3. The 17th as despite what Conservatives will say; having states elect senators directly was a disaster that was frequently a hotbed of corruption and led to senate seats being left unfilled for weeks/years.

  4. Numero Uno.

    The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword. All the of the others only exist as a result of the first.

  5. I feel like the 9th is underrated. Too many people seem to completely forget about it. We need more judicial decisions that cite the 9th. I’ll just be sitting here rooting for my 9th Amendment underdog.

  6. The third amendment.

    Could you imagine a battalion of purple crayon eating Marines shacking up in your home?

    As a former grunt, purple are my favorite and I don’t like to share.

  7. When I came home from basic training, my brother locked the door on the basis of the third amendment so that’s currently my fav lol

  8. The 2nd. It has made for some epic hunting trips in the mountains, some of the best memories of my life. There is nothing like hearing a massive 6×6 bull elk bugle 100 yards from you and thinking to yourself “guess im cooking back strap tonight” and running the bolt, popping it off safe and getting ready for shit to go down.

  9. Somewhere between 13-15. Without those, my existence would hit a pretty low ceiling, I’d imagine.

  10. The third. It gets no love because people think it’s irrelevant in modern times but do you see the Army or Navy rolling up and forcing you to lodge and feed their personnel? No.

    I rest my case.

  11. > Try and pick something more exciting than #1 & #2

    If you’re going to ask what someone’s favorite thing is, try and not tell them what it can’t be.

  12. The 13th because is isn’t just a prohibition on the federal government.

    It is a complete prohibition on slavery. It shall not exist.

    Before any internet wanker starts crowing about “but akshully prisoners!” It is still amazing and prisoners working during their sentences is absolutely not the same thing as chattel slavery that is inherited. So if you can’t understand that distinction then you can save your typing fingers because your argument is trash. The 13th is the single most amazing amendment.

  13. I’m a big fan of the 21st. Not just because I like the occasional glass of wine, but because I like that we could admit we made a mistake.

  14. 10th Amendment.

    *The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.*

    We have gotten away from it, and I think so many of our country’s issues could be solved by stricter adherence to it. The Feds fuck up so much.

    Push more power down to the states, people can move to the states that align more closely with their values.

    Also a big fan of 1A and 2A.

  15. >Try and pick something more exciting than #1 & #2

    There’s nothing more exciting that these 2.

    There are several others that are very important, but these two are fundamental, especially the 2nd, which protects the 1st.

  16. The third.

    I feel like for being #3 on the list, it’s not really something that gets thrown around every day

    Like the first is first for a reason, the second is subject to daily discussion, the fourth and fifth is involved in millions of interactions.

    When is the last time the third was used?

    It’s amazing to picture the context of the revolution when “no quartering soldiers” was important enough to be the friggin third thing we wrote.

  17. Well the 2nd is my number 1 but a close second has to be the 10th amendment. Telling the federal government to stay in its lane is among the most based things ever conceived

  18. 3rd. It’s preventing a lot, historically speaking, and ot rarely gets challenged the way, say 1 or 2 do.

  19. People say the second amendment is the most important, but I argue the 10th amendment is and is probably abused and infringed upon even far more.

  20. 10th. The federal government has no authority outside of what is specified in the constitution.

  21. As bad as our “justice” system is, I have no doubt that it would be unimaginably worse wthout the 5th

    could do without the eminent domain part though

  22. I gotta choose the 19th. I would not be considered a whole person with a voice and a vote without it.

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