Every so often my wife and I incorporate a dildo into our lovemaking, primarily me using it on her while I give her oral or her using it while she gives me oral, we’ve used it for DP as well. It’s basically used for threesome play without us ever actually calling it that.

Last night we used it, and when we moved to penetrative sex (missionary) she put the dildo in my mouth and told me to suck on it. Kind of shocked me at first but in the moment I did what she said and was shocked how turned on she was by it. I’m super confused. I’m not sure if it’s from a place of “dominance” she got off to it or something else. Thoughts?

1 comment
  1. I’m afraid only your wife can answer the “why” of it. She clearly enjoyed it, but why, only she can tell. The only issue I see is if you DON’T like it, and then you obviously should let her know that it’s not your thing. If you like it or don’t mind, hey, have fun! Good luck!

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