So i know that boys can have big growth spurts in highschool but i’ve never seen anything about girls growing a lot? Is most of the growth for girls done in middle school?


    I literally still look like I belong in middle school, I get carded every bar/club I go to and I’ve had guys not want to date me because they’re worried people might think they’re a pedophile because I look like I’m 13.

  2. Not a single inch! Always were a tall kid, then I grew super tall/much taller than the average for adult women when I was like 11, and never grew another inch again. I had some brand equestrian clothes that held up so well I still wore them when I was like 25, because they still fit me just as well as when I was a pre-teen kid.

  3. I stopped growing at 12. I went into highschool a 5’8″, size 9 (UK) footed Shrek of a person.

  4. About an inch? I know I was 5’8 in six the grade. And 5’10 my senior year in high school. Then, I was 5’11 when I got married at 22.

  5. I was 5’2 when I went in and 5’5 (or close to) when I came out of it. I grew a lot I think. I also went from a sports bra thinking I’d never have breasts to a C34. Pants size never changed surprisingly.

  6. In 7th about 5’2″ and by 10th I was 5’5″. That ended my height growth.

  7. In HS I didn’t grow at all. I did grow almost 3 inches after HS though lol. Apparently a couple of relatives did too so nobody was that surprised.

  8. Reached my full adult height of 5’1” at the end of sixth grade.

  9. I grew a ton in middle school and reached my full height by high school 😅

  10. I forgot which year exactly but I think in 9th or 10th grade I grew from 4’10” (?) to 4’11” and that was it. : D

  11. I started my first year 5’4 ended that year 5’9”. Seems like I had a cold the whole year too.

  12. I was a pretty late bloomer, I looked 9 until I was 15, when everything seemed to happen all at once. (Still have a babyface at 21 tho) but specifically about height, I grew 5.5 inches between ages 14-18

    Edit: I’m 5’6 now

  13. I sprouted up past everyone in elementary school, hit 5’3 in 5th grade and stopped growing.

  14. I’ve been 5’5 1/2 since I was about 14 or 15? The last inch came around at that age.

  15. I stopped growing in about middle school. Then grew more in the last couple years as far as weight and my breasts finally coming in. My mom was the same way. My looks haven’t changed overall really at all since elementary school.

  16. I don’t think I had a big high school growth spurt but I did put on at least an inch somewhere around junior/senior year. I went from 5’10” to 5’11”. Most of my growth was in middle school, I guess. I think there was some growth in early high school but it was very gradual. I was always the tall girl, even in elementary school.

  17. I stopped growing around age 12, and I’m 4’9. I also grew up in poverty and often went hungry so who knows how tall I’d be if my circumstances had been different. My parents are both over a foot taller than me so I definitely had tall potential!

  18. Girls have main growth period from 10-14 on average and boys have theirs 12-16on average. Girl grow about 3inches per year vs 4 inches for boys, so it a bit less dramatic. That plus general misogyny and society not carding about our experiences is why you don’t hear about it much..

    I don’t remember how much i grew, but i was 5’10 at 16 when i was measured for my drivers license registration and am now 5’11. So sometime between 16-17 is when i hit my now adult height.

  19. Maybe like 2ish inches. I’m like 5’9″ and I think I was like 5’7″ back in 9th grade. It’s been a few years, but that sounds about right.

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