So I’m basically a nobody in my school, a joke, they always make fun of me, even if I did get “friends” theyll only talk to me about money and how to cheat in grades because im at high honors, im really anxious about people” making fun of me because I cant be “myself, so is there a way to achieve happiness then please give a advice, if not then its fine ill manage it somehow with my loneliness, thanks

  1. And im also afraid of my social skills, because it might leave a giant scar on myself, that will effect me in the future

  2. You’re experiencing human selfishness. It’s everywhere.

    Generally, people respect those who please them greatly or those who frighten them.

    They see you as a source of good grades and easy confidence (when they make fun of you). They see others as a source of fun, popularity, protection, or other benefit. To get different treatment, you will have to convince them that you can be a source for something else. This can get competitive as everyone is trying to protect their value and increase it.

    But ultimately, people will categorize you and attempt to reap the benefits they expect to get. Try to get the best category possible for yourself.

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