hey everyone I really would appreciate some advice on this situation! (I apologize for the length of my post in advance).

so I, (f 19 almost 20) am dating this guy (m 20) online! We initially met on a dating app, started out as friends back in February, stopped talking for a short period, and then reconnected and grew super close. We consistently talk basically everyday and are dating 🙂 This includes texting, snapping, exchanging tiktoks, FaceTiming, and calling!

The issue I’m having is with our distance and my parents safety concerns. We live about 2 hours from each other and would really like to meet somewhere in the middle (about an hour-ish drive for both of us) and of course in a public setting.

It’s becoming really difficult because my parents are extremely against online dating and meeting up with someone that you’ve only known online. I completely understand my parents concerns and they are extremely valid but also extremely upsetting because it feels like there won’t ever be an opportunity for me to meet him.

There have been times where I’ve tried to plan things by just going with friends to avoid safety concerns and a time I tried to go on my own (without anyone knowing (only time I’ve ever attempted to truly “rebel”)). Each time they have caught me and stopped me from going.

They feel that the connection can’t be real, my bf isn’t real, and that if he is real he’d only want to use me. It’s extremely upsetting hearing that from my parents as it feels like a lack of trust in me when my whole life I’ve always followed all the rules, never dated, never went out to party, never drank/smoked, etc. It’s very frustrating overall and definitely straining the relationship with my bf and the relationship I have with my parents, any advice on how to approach this would be greatly appreciated 🙂

TLDR: my parents don’t want me to meet my kinda long distance bf irl because they are concerned about safety and they feel online relationships aren’t realistic/genuine. I’m frustrated and upset and not sure how to approach the situation without further straining both relationships!

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