About to have my second child and am so thankful for healthcare in my country and it got me thinking how hard it must be to have to pay thousands to have a baby in USA. Please enlighten me about the process with hospital and payment etc. Thank you.

  1. Once you start it’s kinda hard to stop.

    Billing comes after. They’re not just going to make you have the baby out on the street.

  2. By going to the hospital and having the child. The hospital will bill you later but they will help you give birth regardless of your financial situation. Now the bill is there but assuming you can pay for it, it will go to collections and eventually (over many years) drop off. You can also file for bankruptcy though that doesn’t mean you’ll be granted for it.

    Either way, if you have no money or insurance, you can still get assistance with your birth.

  3. In my state all pregnant women who are not otherwise insured are automatically eligible for Medicaid, which covers close to 100% of the costs. The baby itself is also covered until one year I believe.

  4. A woman with no money is probably eligible for Medicaid or other assistance programs, as is the child. Our health care situation is not as dire as you may believe.

  5. Don’t believe the comments about going into debt to pay medical bills. There is a massive apparatus of subsidized medicine and emergency care including child birth. When my first was born we had 1 less than part time job between us, government insurance and almost no money. We went to a hospital and didn’t pay anything at all. According to reddit we should still be working off the debt…

  6. Medicaid is one of the best HC coverage you can have, almost everything is covered; dental, eye care, mental, internal, prescriptions and hospital visits are all either free or very very low cost ($1 co payment for a prescription for some prescriptions, for example)

    Anyone living below the poverty line gets Medicaid.

    The internet and a very loud minority of people have driven the narrative that we have a terrible system that just lets poor people die or go into massive debt, but it’s simply not true.

    Don’t get me wrong, there’s definitely issues that should be addressed, it’s not perfect and there are problems. It’s just not as bad as the loud minority would like you to believe

  7. we all know what your intentions are when you post stuff like this. you aren’t slick. it comes across as tone death and arrogant.

  8. If a person has no money or is very poor, then they qualify for government run health care, which varies by state but minimums are set by the Federal government. If you are working but still poor, then you qualify for assistance from the federal government to purchase “insurance” (which is actually a cost sharing program, not insurance in the strict definition). This federal minimum standard and Federal assistance is nicknamed “Obamacare”.

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