I’ll start – adults who don’t clear up after themselves in fast food restaurants

  1. Helping someone with no questions or expectation of something in return.

    Properly listening to someone without interrupting.

    Being kind to children and speaking nicely to them.

  2. Oh you went right in with a negative! My first thought was, ‘Never forgetting to call on birthdays’

  3. Forming your world view based on the Daily Mail, Sun or Daily Express.

    Hell, even buying them or visiting their websites. You are literally funding hate by doing so.

  4. Needlessly picking others up for incorrect grammar/spelling, even though you understood perfectly the intended message. It’s just unnecessarily abrasive and priggish

  5. Shopping trolley. If you don’t put your trolley back after you’ve finished you’re basically saying “I don’t think about other people’s needs and society functions in spite of people like me”.

  6. Being able to listen to criticism without getting angry or upset. Particularly if they have caused someone else pain or upset

  7. How they treat staff in shops and restaurants.

    If they treat them disrespectfully it’s usually a good indicator they are shitty.

  8. Might be a bit specific, but rules for thee and not for me, and just being a hypocrite in general. A perfect man I am not, but I don’t believe I would ever expect anyone to act or behave in a way I wouldn’t be willing to act or behave myself

  9. being rude to wild animals.

    If you’re an adult going around scaring poor pigeons and other birds and animals on the street, I know you’re a dickhead and I want nothing to do with you. How you treat animals, especially wild ones who are smaller and defenseless says a lot about a person. A little compassion goes a long way.

    On the other hand, if you show them compassion or even simple thing like, stopping so they can get safely out of your way instead of just almost crushing them, it tell me that you have empathy.

    Be nice to animals even if you don’t like them.

  10. When your walking yourself on the pavement and there’s two or three people coming towards you and they don’t move and expect you to walk on the road like fuck off.

  11. Admitting you’re wrong and apologising properly instead of saying something like, *”I’m sorry you’re upset”*.

  12. People who ignore the cleaners at work – you don’t have to be best buds with everyone you meet but you aren’t above anyone else because of your job!

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