When people first meet you they don’t know much about you and can’t really make assumptions about you, but once they get to know you more and see you how react or behave in certain social and non-social situations can people just tell how awkward and lonely (and possibly pathetic) you really are? Will people start getting the wrong idea of you because of it?

  1. Body language will always speak louder than your words.

    The only real time things can be perceived as “pathetic” is when there’s a complete incongruence between what you say and what your body language is saying.

    In truth, none of us are experts at relationships – no matter how many we’ve had before. We’re all figuring it out as we go along. So even if you have little experience, just own it. Go out and socialise, make others feel appreciated and valued!

    The simple fact you’re alive today is because your parents and all your ancestors got it right at some point 😉

    So don’t overthink it, be interesting by leading an interesting life while focusing and bringing value to others. And before you know it you’ll have great relationships coming your way!

  2. Of course not. People can assume things about you, but these assumptions are often inaccurate.

  3. Probably they will assume if you are very awkward and uncomfortable around the other sex.

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