Hello all,

How would you all react if you found out that your previously very sexually active partner has never gotten tested for STDs before?

I do not have very many people to share this topic with, and would like to gather some insight.

I recently found out my partner hasn’t ever gotten tested. Personally, I think getting tested between partners is extremely important, so discovering this about my partner has really hurt my trust and has made me question their judgement.

Thank you all in advance ❤

  1. Test between, test during, test annually. Test, test, test. Some people simply aren’t educated on the importance, explain to him why it’s important and go get tested together.

  2. Honestly this is a conversation you should be having with her, everyone here’s gonna have their own opinion on the matter.

    I personally didn’t have many sexual partners so I don’t feel I’m in the position to give my two cents but if I were you I’d just sit her down and calmly and gently *ask* if this would be something she’d be interested in doing just for your own peace of mind. Good luck! 😊

  3. Why didnt you have this conversation in the very beginning of your relationship? Sleeping with someone before asking these questions isnt smart either!

  4. I wouldn’t have sex with them. I know a few people with high numbers of partners who have never gotten tested- their reasoning was that they didn’t want to know. In their heads, they didn’t have any STI’s, even if their ex partners did they wanted to pretend that wouldn’t happen to them. Even if they literally had warts on their mouth you could see- nope just a slight acne problem at the moment. Definitely not getting a medical diagnosis.

    These are regular intelligent people who have been informed that’s not the right thing to do ethically, but they do mental gymnastics to tell themselves they’re somehow different. They certainly don’t give upfront honest information to the people they’re dating about the potential risks, and they both lie to downplay that risk out of fear of rejection.

    People lie – don’t put your own safety and health at risk.

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