No idea why I’m posting this but I need to vent somewhere.

My wife and I are visiting family down south for the week and decided to go hiking at a local park on 4th of July morning. We pulled our car into the lot next to another car with a ton of QANON type bumper stickers and I guess my wife and I were kinda staring a bit reading them all but we didn’t say anything or make any scene and started to walk towards the trail.

Long story short – a woman in paramilitary gear gets out of the car, tell us she’s a veteran who was just kicked out of a hotel (no idea why she included this detail) and tells us she has a shotgun and specifically calls out my wife and tells her to stop staring or she will fire. I kinda froze and my wife was like whatever and she said let’s keep going. We went on with our hike and came back and she was gone.

The thought of someone threatening to kill the love of my life and mother of my child really fucked me up. Ironically my wife is clearly a more much badass because she’s like “whatever, fuck that bitch” but I can’t shake it for some reason. The look in that woman eyes was so deranged, almost void of a soul.

Anyways, God Bless America and hug your partners extra close tonight. Scary times.

  1. Should have called the cops on her. She shouldn’t be running around loose. Thankful that you and wife stayed safe.

  2. How terrible! I’m glad your wife is okay. So scary. Make sure you both talk about it a lot–with each other and others. That’s likely to stay with your both and bother you both for awhile.

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