He likes to collect Lego Star Wars and display them. It’s just a fun hobby and he likes to look at them. What’s going through your head when he tells you or you see them for the first time?

  1. I think it’s amazing when a person is legitimately passionate about something. I would let them talk about it forever if they so pleased.

  2. As a guy who also collects and displays stuff in his place…I would hope that any chick coming over would realize how awesome my stuff is, but also not steal anything ’cause shit’s expensive!

  3. Not a lady but I’m answering anyways because mmmmm Lego Star Wars. If I’m dating a guy, gal or non-binary and they show me their’ Lego Star Wars collection I’d be flattered, maybe even turned on. Then again I’m a nerd soooo it checks out.

  4. That’s a great question – I think it depends so much on the girl and her sense of humour. I think what’s funny to one person might not be funny to someone else, so the answer really varies. I’d just suggest thinking about what makes you laugh and make sure you don’t take yourself too seriously!

  5. I thought it was endearing and supported my ex husband in his Star Wars hobby…I got him started in the 501st…. it only became a problem when it took precedence over us spending time as a couple.

    He thought inviting me along to their events was enough.

  6. I think it’s cool! I’m not into Star Wars personally but I like when someone has a passion and doesn’t let other peoples’ opinions hold them back from enjoying those passions.

  7. I know a guy like this and it makes me really happy when he talks about his legos. He’ll show me pictures of which ones he plans to get next and he’ll say something like “when I have enough I’ll get it” and when he does buy it, he’s like a kid in a candy shop. It’s his hobby and I support it 100% because he could have worse hobbies

  8. It’s a great hobby and a great conversation starter. Plus it already gives ideas for future gifts.

  9. Same here, bro. I got shelves upon shelves of Modulars, Star Wars, City, etc. Haven’t heard any complaints about it from the ladies.

  10. I would enjoy something crazy and unique like that… the more eccentric .. the better.

  11. My main mission in life would be to go full on ninja with moving the little dudes around and posing them in new, silly, sometimes sexually suggestive ways while his back is turned or he’s in the bathroom.

  12. Hobbies are cool. Don’t judge my tarot deck collection and I won’t judge whatever you dork out on mkay.

  13. One of the things I loved about my partner when we first met was his Lego Star Wars collection and all of his collectibles. I love that he collects and makes things and has an interest in his nerd stuff.

  14. I come from a family of Star Wars fans. I’m not one of them, don’t hate it, just don’t have the passion for it. But it’s definitely not any sort of an issue if a guy collects something. I like seeing people have something they’re passionate about.

  15. I think it’s cool. I started playing legos with my son and I got obsessed with it. As an adult many folks are obsessed with starwars ( and legos). Also, after he spent all that time building would you want him to dissemble it ? Haha. He has to show it off.

  16. I’m going to assume you’re asking for yourself, to which I say you have to own it, and this goes for anything you’re into, especially in the context of dating. I’ve had it before where I’ve mentioned something I’m into and the woman has jokingly asked if I was serious, and I own it, and we may talk about it for a bit and then move on. You being into Lego Star Wars in and of itself won’t be what turns a woman off. I mean, yea, some women might be turned off, but you probably aren’t compatible with them if that’s the case. What will turn her off more is if you try to dismiss your interest in that in order to impress her.

    Her: What’s a cool hobby you have?

    You: Oh, I love collecting lego star wars sets.

    Her: Really? lol…

    You: Oh, I mean, it’s just a thing I’m sort of into. Kinda childish, I know hahaha…

    It makes you come across like you aren’t strong in your convictions, and it isn’t attractive. Own it, brother; the right woman will appreciate that you have interests and hobbies of your own. She might even be into it also, which will be a very welcome bonus! But please, don’t let anyone make you feel like you can’t have whatever interests/hobbies you enjoy. So long as you aren’t hurting anyone, I don’t see the problem.

  17. “Oh cool, he has a hobby”. Always a positive in my books.

    If they’re particularly amazing builds “Oh wow, he’s really good at this”. I see no way this could be a negative for someone.

    Bonus points if he starts telling me about it and gets adorably excited!

  18. I’d love it. Never got started with star wars sets because there’s too many and I’d never be satisfied. But I have about 4 shelves behind me right now with marvel sets, flowers, animals…. And a box ready to go into the office with me in the morning cuz I rotate what’s on my desk even though I’m only there a couple of days a month. I’m in the process of redoing my home office to add more shelves to display more and to have room for a bigger build I want to start.

  19. I collect spongebob memorabilia, and my daughter and I have spongebob tattoos. I have spongebob. She has patrick, so I’m definitely not one to judge harshly. If anything, I’d feel I met a weirdo like me lol

  20. That he’s my kind of people! I build Lego as well and I’m also a Star Wars fan, so to have someone geek out about the two would just be awesome.

  21. I love star wars/legos too, and it’s a super fun hobby to build them together as a couple 🙂 def a turn on

  22. As person who collects and loves lego myself, I’d be thinking that this is exactly my type of the guy 😂 this will probably lead to lego sets discussion and checking what Star Wars movie is his favorite

  23. I agree! Just don’t let them talk about taxes or lint collecting, and we’ll be golden!

  24. Lego rules! I’d just ask him if I could build it with him the next time 😁

  25. Interesting. Just wondering how going to a grown chicks place the first time and finding it covered in Barbie’s. Might just be strange.

  26. Same situation but reversed, i have actually dated two woman who were super into star wars, in kinda different ways, both had tattoos, one had the empire logo and a storm trooper head, the other had a portrait of Ewan as obi, one collected more memorabilia like film cells, props and the like (even joined her one time she went to bid on items, was fun), the other liked to collect more toy based stuff, crochet characters, lego, first Christmas day we both went secret and small, both ended up getting each other lego, I’m not a huge star wars person, but mentioned I liked general grievous when he appears. So she got me a fun little grievous set, sat, drank and built together.
    Always nourish others passions, join in, it never has to be that serious, I know when women show interest in what I’m into even if they a feigning interest, it’s still telling me they are taking the time to spend more time together, values me as a individual.

  27. I love Lego and I love Star Wars so I’d probably be thinking how I can secretly smuggle a set out under my top 🤣🤣

  28. My now bf railed me on our second date and then immediately proceeded to talk to me about his new yugioh deck while playing with a Rubik’s cube he keeps on his bedroom shelf. Most adhd person I’ve met, lol.

    For me the image of my bf’s gunplas staring down at us fucking at this point is comforting and a fond memory hahaha.

    I didn’t mind it at all, I thought it was endearing and attractive that he was passionate about stuff. Plus I have no room to judge bc I info dump too and I’m also a weeb/nerd so I guess that’s par for the course. Love him so much.

  29. Not a woman, but if you’re “asking for a friend”, you are going to meet plenty of women in life who consider Lego a child’s toy and will consider this person immature for liking them. **But**, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it. You are a grown adult with your own hobbies and passions.

    You need to do the things that make you happy, and spend the money on the things in this world that give it meaning. If someone can’t deal with that, they don’t need to be in your life.

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