about a year ago i started reading male lactation fanfiction that some people i followed had written. it was funny at first but then i realized i was kind of into it. i don’t know if it’s just because there’s a lot of people with that kink/fetish in this fanbase and it has become kind of the norm or like social contagion lol

there are other kinks/fetishes that i know i would not be into but i thought the same about this and others that i have read about.

  1. I think it’s possible if there is a decent interest in the topic. If someone doesn’t like the idea about something I would assume it will be hard to make it a kink for them.

    For me anal was always an interesting topic but I didn’t like the execution of it till I found someone who made the extra step to make it comfortable for me.

  2. I think you already have to have some leaning that way, unless it’s literally the *only* stimulating material you have available so you Pavlov’s dog yourself into associating that kink with your arousal

  3. Pretty sure there is not much robust research done on behavioural biology of fetishes. Sexual conditioning (more or less what you describe) has been shown in experiments to establish a fetish at least in some participants. But since it did not result in fetish for most people – there are others factors in play. Some suggest some kind mix up with sexual imprinting in early childhood. But again – we simply don’t know for a fact.

  4. If you’re never exposed to something, how do you know you’re into it, or could possibly be into it?

    Something like lactation/male lactation is fairly specific and not something people are exposed to, and therefore not something people are aware is out there.

    So, the answer to your question would be yes… without exposure you may not know you’d be interested in a certain type of fetish and/or kink.

  5. It can happen this way but it’s not guaranteed. There’s some stuff I got into because I read it, but others will never appeal to me no matter how much I see it.

  6. This is actually more of a “nature or nurture” type of question. Personally, I believe it’s a combination of both, like most other social scientific phenomenons.

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