What are the things that guys appreciate that a woman can do that makes them feel wanted and like he matters to her

(If you’re NB or Trans, please answer also! You’re part of the crew)

  1. I dont know what trans is but im new balance. You just gotta give your SO some huggies or food or physical toouche

  2. Really depends on the guy. One man may see something as you showing affection while another could see it as bothersome or invading space.

    Best bet is to ask your partner what does it for them.

  3. I really appreciate when my gf gives me compliments and expresses how great she thinks I am. As a man, I’m not used to getting non-sexual compliments from women, so they mean a lot to me.

  4. – Cooking my favorite meal/baked good. (Cooking for me in genaral. I love food lol)

    – Little presents, i.e. things I may find cool. Mainly stuff I’d show my partner. (Sharing an Amazon list of small little trinkets is always a fun idea.)

    – Making little scrapbook kind of stuff.

    (My ex-wife once bought some of those 5 “square” paint swatch sample things and put something that she loved about me in each box. Most adorable thing I’ve ever seen. I still have it.)

    (My ex-wife also once did a romantic little night where she put rose pedals and candles all over the room and put a bunch of sticky notes with her favorite things about me all over the room and bathroom, it was in a hotel since we were traveling. I also still have all the notes.) She also had herself splayed out on a “silver platter” when I got back to the room, lol.

    – Planning dates and taking initiative to lead the way. That’s HUGE for me.

    – Just simple verbal compliments. Anytime.

    – Doing something for me that I’ve been needing to do. i.e. organize something, de-clutter a room, clean something, etc.

  5. Anything that shows some intentionality towards me in particular.

    – having an undistracted conversation with me
    – being willing to vocalize that they’d like to do something with me (ooh, we should watch that together, we should go there, etc)
    – asking about my stuff (work, what I’ve been reading, what I’ve been thinking about, etc)

  6. Back and shoulder massages, making or getting their favorite meal, simply just placing their head on your chest, cuddling well running your fingers through their hair ,just simple things like that 😊

  7. Tell your significant other that you are proud of them. You’d be surprised how often men don’t hear that.

  8. There is a book called the Five Love Languages. It helps to determine the love language of yourself and maybe a boyfriend/girlfriend and helps you be able to do things that help their “love tank” feel full.

  9. What a man really want is a HUG!!

    A good affectionate hug will make a man feel great, will take his all life problems out, will make him feel emotionally attached, ofc it will make him feel wanted and appreciated

    A HUG >>>>>> any kind of intimacy

    PS : I really need a Hug 😢

  10. Communication. This is a simple one that’s often overlooked. Gift giving is second, along with quality time and physical touch going hand in hand. Words of affirmation aren’t necessary for me unless truly needed.. The 5 love languages, a book I urge everyone to read, be it single, in a relationship or married.

  11. I’d settle just for some real, non-sexual interest/affection at this point. That seems to be rarer for me to find that sex, and the sex isn’t what I need right now.

  12. Try to initiate a conversation rather than waiting for his text that would show you are really into him. Most of the women like if a guy ask them about their day but guys like it too. Compliment him, cooking. Just tell him that you are special.

  13. I’m confused – do you want to subtly hint the guy to make a move with you; or an opposite, show him gratitude while making sure he gets the message “we are just friends”?

  14. I think sexuality is such a ever present part of a romantic relationship with someone, so it doesn’t seem like there are points where it doesn’t exist at 0% or that if ever just disappears, but the closest thing I could think of is just like maybe making some great food, being funny, soothing, like creating a cozy atmosphere and environment. Maybe helping with planning or scheduling or things like that. Tailoring clothes. In general these are just extra and not fundamentally necessary at all, but it’s just what came to my mind.

  15. Honestly just pure romance. Kissing my neck or chest. A hug from behind. Touching my shoulders as they pass by. Telling me they want me even when nothing sexual is happening. Candle lit dinner. I just really want to find someone that pays attention to the little things. I consider .yself a romantic guy, and just really enjoy it when the woman puts in the exactsame amount of energy.

  16. Be kind, don’t make everything a competition and if he treats you well then reciprocate.

  17. I don’t understand all the comments talking about physical touch when the title said non sexual LOL idk about y’all but if my gf (don’t have..) touches me, there’s gonna be SOME little (sexual) spark there lol!!!

  18. My gf’s not romantically inclined at all so I love when she kind of gives in and does cute stuff with me. I can tell she likes it once we’re doing it, she just takes a bit of a nudge.

    She also hates PDA (I’m meh on it) so whenever we’re alone and she rests her head on me I swoon a little.

  19. Why does it have to be nonsexual? Why write off the most important thing right off the bat?
    It’s like you’re asking which icing you should use, but you’re missing the cake.

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