I’ve been in a situationship for 2 years with someone who doesn’t open up, doesn’t want a relationship, doesnt want friendship. They never talk about anything or themselves.

Yesterday he texted and I had said hope you had a good holiday.
He said it was eh and it was what it was. Which is generally not like him.

Now I feel like I should ask if he’s ok. I was going to then but I’ve asked in the past and he’s never opened up and i didnt want to be nosy.. Always gave me a “I’m ok”. So what could be happening? Should I go back and ask? I do care very much for him.

  1. This person has some serious issues. I couldn’t tell you how to read that. But I can tell you that you can’t have any sort of relationship with someone who considers the answer to “How was your vacation?” opening up.

  2. Are we dating the same person?
    Short answer?, dry?, not asking questions back?
    Does he ever curious about you?

  3. > who doesn’t open up, doesn’t want a relationship, doesn’t want friendship.

    I mean this is pretty clear cut, you have the answer to your question.

    There is no ulterior hidden cry for help or anything here

    If they don’t wanna talk then don’t press the issue…


    This is clearly very one sided and you seem to be way more invested than the other person, I would cut it to save yourself the hurt later down the line.

  4. If you want to ask do it. Just show him theres no repercussions if he says no or yes.

  5. I’m more interested in what *you* want, and please don’t just say them 🙁

  6. You could always say something along the lines of, “Sounds like things weren’t so great. You wanna talk about it?”

    If he says yes, you talk about it with him.

    If he says no, you say “Alright”, and drop the topic completely without digging any further.

    And if he gives you an “I don’t know”, you tell him that you’ll drop the topic, but if he changes his mind later you’ll be up to talk about it.


    At least IMO, this is generally better than going straight to asking what happened. If you ask what happened, there’ll feel like there’s an obligation, or at least expectation, that he talk about it, which he may not be comfortable doing. If you ask if he wants to talk about it, or say that you’re open to talk about it if he wants to, that doesn’t come with the same expectation, and won’t put him in a potentially uncomfortable spot.

  7. *”I’ve been in a situationship”*

    Just end it and move on already.

  8. I would suggest you look elsewhere. You are wasting your time with him.

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