How do you view someone who was in the UK military for 20 or more years? Are there factors that influence or change it in any ways, ie officer vs enlisted or the different branches?

  1. Nope don’t view military vets any difference then other people. I know the Americans view military personnel as gods and treat them extra special which I find weird

  2. About the same as bus drivers or traffic wardens or sundry others. Except more likely to be a psychopath who just likes killing.

  3. I don’t go out of my way to act nicer with them, but I still have respect for those who went into active combat zones.

  4. Nah it all counts on there personality, you can be a bin man or a banker but if your a cunt your a cunt if your sound your sound it all depends on the person

  5. Veterans command a certain initial respect from me. But that doesn’t give them carte blanche to then go on and be a twat

  6. I’m always interested to hear their stories because generally soldiers are able to spin a good yarn and make you laugh. Other than that, I don’t care, it’s a job.

  7. Reddit is the worst place for this kind of question.

    Generally speaking, I’d say Brits are like most Europeans in respecting their soldiers but not turning them into honourary celebrities like the Americans.

  8. Honestly, I don’t think anything of it. No more than I would someone that’s been a doctor their whole life, or a binman, or work in insurance.

  9. Not particularly different to anyone else. I don’t go in for the American thing of thanking them for their service and being over-reverential. The people I know who have had careers in the army wouldn’t want that, frankly. But yeah, I just view it as any other career.

    I have to say I do find I generally am very different to people who have been in the armed forces, so when I find out someone has been in the military I probably subconsciously think we aren’t going to form a strong friendship. Nothing against them, it’s just based on the people I’ve known in the military, who have all been a very different personality type to me

  10. The ones I know are all great people, so I guess I’d give them an initial trust bonus. But in the end it’ll depend on their personality, not their job.

  11. I’ve got friends who are lifers and don’t treat them any differently.

    I’m a bit (Ok extremely) jealous of one who gets to fly Spitfires though.

  12. My husband has been in the armed forces for over 22 years and is still in the armed forces. He gets treated like any other man his age. The only time he gets ‘special’ treatment is when the shop he is shopping in, offers forces discounts. That’s about it. Our lives are as boring and mundane as everyone else’s.

  13. Army – whatever
    Navy – suspicious
    Air Force – interested until I find out they’re not a pilot and do something boring

  14. Officer: lovely garden party but can’t wait to leave:
    NCO: he’s ok but I’m not that into arse and cock based humour

  15. With a lot of respect. Unless it’s my husband when I will take the piss whenever I can but I’m really hugely proud of him.

  16. Every soldier/ex-soldier I’ve met was racist. Not that that applies to all

  17. I have a friend retiring soon with over 25 years service It was his job, soon it won’t be. He’s made the decision to leave. Ultimately he’s just a man, who’s my friend. He has no desire to be worshipped because of his job. Very few do.

  18. Basically I’ve a bunch of stereotypical preconceptions I’ve built up over the years that I overlay on anyone who chose that route. Sometines I’m proved wrong.

    Most army lifers I’ve met are over-bearing, plain-speaking and full of their own bluster. Those that got out early are alright, but your general squadie seldom seems over-burdoned in the brains department.

    RAF guys seem to be a cut above, although they can come off as arrogant and a bit posh.

    My own prejudice is tough to overcome. Basically anyone that chooses a career where they have to shoot people based on the whim of the self-serving maniacs that constitute out government is a bit suspect as far as I’m concerned. Notable exceptions etc etc.

  19. I’d probably be quite impressed if someone told me they were an admiral.

  20. Preface: I come from a military family, I’m in the minority of men in my family that haven’t served in some form of the armed forces.

    I don’t view those with a military career / background any differently than anyone who hasn’t been in the military.

    Is it a different job to most? Absolutely, but it is still just a job.

    I find the romantic view of the military often comes from people who have never been in the military.

    I also don’t subscribe to any views that the military are inherently”bad”, they’re just tools. They can be heroes or villains depending on how they’re used.

  21. I’ve never met anyone ex-Navy who has been anything other than a top bloke. Stand-up chaps, to a man.

    Air Force – hit and miss. Plenty of really nice people, a few wankers.

    Army – almost every ex-Army person I’ve met has turned out to be a dickhead in some way. No idea why, just seems to have worked out that way.

  22. I don’t understand the question to be honest – I would take them on the merits of who they are as a person.

  23. depends, are they cunts?

    if theyre not cunts its no different if they are a street sweeper or banker.

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