I was having a conversation with my boyfriend last night and he told me that he can tell I’m horny because he can smell my “pheromones” or something like that. He said it’s not a bad smell, it’s not like dirty or fishy vagina smell, but it is a distinct smell…. He even said he smelled it the other day when we were in the car with my mom.

I will say I do have a high sex drive and am horny quite often, and my and BF are still in our honeymoon phase so we have sex everytime we see each other. But does anyone know if this is true? Do women give off scents when are horny? And my concern is that, can other people smell these “pheromones”? Or is it just him?

The thought that I’m releasing a sex scent like a skunk whenever I’m turned on makes me feel super embarrassed and self conscious, cause obviously it’s not something I can control. Anyways, just looking for some advice or reassurance cause right now I’m feeling pretty gross about myself.

  1. Yes you absolutely can. It’s not like a distinct smell or “stink” at all by any means and it’s not something that a random person will smell walking by and say “oh, she’s horny”. It’s absolutely not something to be embarrassed about or anything gross at all.

    But once you develop a relationship with someone intimately, it’s like a subliminal signal you pick up with someone whose scent you naturally acclimate to.

    My fiance is also very high libido, but she’s *very* good at hiding when she’s aroused but being very accustomed to her scent, her mannerisms, and her overall demeanor it takes me less than 10 seconds to figure out if she’s horny or not or *how* horny she Is just by being close to her.

    The way I would describe it is that she’s literally and figuratively “hot”. Like she doesn’t give off a BO by any means but being in close proximity it’s like that I can sense/smell her body temperature is higher and her adrenaline is up and it’s more of a conditioned sensory thing than a “smell” thing.

    But, seriously, it’s not like random people who don’t know your or your “scent” can detect that. If so, people would just have daredevil-like senses where they could just sniff out someone who was horny with no visual queues and I don’t think that’s a thing to my knowledge. 🤣 But, I can sure as shit tell when my she is horny pretty damn quick lol

  2. I could always tell when my wife was in the horny parts of her cycle but only once we were sharing a bathroom. Nothing gross, just something I could pick up on when she was getting in the shower or using the toilet after her. Sounds gross I know but it’s not, there is a very different odor that smells good, healthy, whatever you want to call it. It doesn’t mean she wants to necessarily but often if her body was in sync and I make a move I could tell she was wanting to have sex too. Now, I can’t say that I’ve ever been able to tell in any other situation, clothed, out in public, etc but I guess it’s possible. Some people might be much more tuned into it, but I think it varies a lot from person to person. Also the better you know the person you just pick up subtle things that you feel the pattern to over time. Really I don’t think I’d want to pick up anyone else’s “scent” except the one you’re in a relationship with, but more power to him I guess!

  3. Is this why men say I miss your scent .. or you have your own unique scent and not in the vagina just a distinct scent

  4. DUDE YESS. I dated a girl my senior year and our chemistry was HOT. Idk if it was because I was eating health and hitting the gym and didn’t spank the Monkey for a few weeks at a time. I could smell her hormones everywhere.

    Like I’d feel her warmth then smell this distinct smell and we would be some f*cking animals. I’d smell it way better if I hadn’t came in 2 weeks was like a peak to the strength of the smell.

  5. Smell is a definite part of arousal and attraction, there have been numerous studies into genetic compatibility . The more approving we are of a parters odour the more genetically compatible they are.

    “Don’t wash Josephine! I’m coming home in 3 days…” – Napoleon in a letter to his lover

    I can definitely smell my wife’s (and other women’s) pheromones, and know when she’s horny – just part of being human

  6. Take up salmon fishing. The biggest catches on record are by women and the theory is that it’s due to pheromones.

    But seriously, obviously you give off pheromones when you’re entering your fertile period, all other animals do, including primates which is what humans are. And obviously you’re at your horniest then. How would the human species survive otherwise? And obviously the man in your life is the best conditioned to the signals your body gives off. All in all, I’d say everything is good here. You have reason to be happy with yourself and with your relationship.

    Oh, BTW, for men whose sense of smell isn’t as good as OP’s BF: have your other half take up salmon fishing. If she catches a good one, that could well mean that she’s ovulating! 😉

  7. Cheer up, I’m pretty sure him being so sensitive to your “smell” means that you guys are *very* compatible!

  8. No idea if this is possible, but I’m 100% sure that I can tell my by husband’s breath if he’s horny. But only in the moment, not for days at the time or something

  9. For me, it wasn’t necessarily when she was horny but when she was most fertile, which could coincide. It was strongest when I smelled her face while cuddling, between her nose and cheek.

    Didn’t really think about it much until years later when I mentioned it to a female friend who’s a doctor who agreed with me that it’s indeed a thing (see major histocompatibility complex) and it probably smelled strongest from that area because it’s packed with sebaceous glands.

    I could also smell when she was nearing her period. It wasn’t a bad smell, just different and not the most attractive.

  10. For a man, you have to be around them intimately and quite often for them to understand how you “feel” or smell when you are normal. Only then can they can sense the difference by way of comparison. Strangers can’t tell, so you can chill out.

  11. If you think having a subtle smell that no one can notice is embarrassing, you should try an unwanted erection on for size

  12. Plot twist…it wasn’t OP that was horny in the car.


    Yes we can. It’s insane how I can tell.

  13. My BF definitely has a different taste and scent during those moments, and I love it. I wouldn’t be able to describe it other than “sweeter than usual”, but it’s been a huge turn-on from day 1.

    Nothing to feel embarrassed about, it’s not noticeable for other people (unless you share the same level of intimacy with them ofc).

  14. Yeah, I believe it. I say the same to my boyfriend! He unfortunately has next to no sense of smell, so not sure if the physiology is the same for him.

    Women have more of a ‘smell’ (release more pheromones) around ovulation. Men release pheromones, particularly in their fresh sweat. I love smelling my boyfriend. Actually, I sniff him more around ovulation, as if I’m trying to inhale all of his pheromones lol. Nature is weird (guess maybe I’m weird).

  15. Yes, it can sometimes be smelled. No, it isn’t pheromones, it’s literally the smell of discharge.

  16. Honestly, I sometimes get downwind of a woman and think “DAMN, she smells GOOOooooOooD!” Generally this makes me immediately think of licking her pussy. I think it’s generally ovulation pheromones.

  17. YES! It’s absolutely true, i always got horny with my ex right before her period. She was baffled that I’d known when her time was coming.. just saying. Her pheromones she gave off were amazing.

  18. Yes you can. Walked out of a nightclub in my 20s, it was unmistakable. Turned around and there she was snogging her friend. I was 50 feet away.

  19. Facts. I can smell most women I get into relationships with. I learn the smell from our activities and then can sometimes pick up on it when they become aroused and are clothed.

    Edited: I do hope this causes no one be self conscious. It’s not a terrible smell or anything gross. I can never just pick up on it if we have never been imitate either.

  20. Apparently some people on the autism scale also have an exceptional sense of smell

  21. Girl, that’s hot, I would love being told that. I haven’t noticed that I can smell sexual arousal but I can 1000% feel sexual energy emanating off people. Hard to explain/understand if you don’t experience it yourself but it’s very real so I’d assume others being able to smell arousal is also.

  22. This is more common when you think. Apparently we can smell when women are ovulating without consciously knowing it.

    Years ago there was this girl I met and was hanging out with and I noticed this scent, like if you mixed perfume with sugar, it blatantly wasn’t perfume, she wasn’t diabetic and it seemed oddly familiar. It became pretty obvious she was hugely attracted to me and I’ve always had a theory that it’s what you described.

  23. My husband told me that for years, and he knew exactly when I was ovulating, too! Got me pregnant the first month of trying, both times!

    I asked two very good girlfriends to smell me and they said I smelled fine and a guy friend said the same. It was under the guise of my thinking I smelled off, not asking if I smelled like I was in the mood. My husband is attuned to me and picks up on it right away.

  24. When we were first dating, my husband would kiss my throat and murmur, in this soft growly voice, “Mmm, you even *smell* turned on.” He said it was half scent, half hot skin and sort of essence. Now I want to ask him if it still happens!

  25. Definitely possible, but humans don’t produce pheremones nor do we possess the system necessary to detect them. Probably just something he’s in tune with.

  26. You can’t smell if a girl is horny, People that say they can are liars. Your bf might be able to tell a little from spending so much time with you but there’s definitely more factors. Like he probably notices body language changes and tone difference. He can definitely smell period blood but no ovulation or horny.

  27. I definitely don’t think we release scents when we’re ‘horny’. I do however, think we have our own natural bodily scent and some days it can be stronger than others

  28. Well, this explains the challenges of my sex life, I’ve been smelling women for over 60 years but I’ve never smelt “horniness”.😕

  29. It turns out… we are all animals. The sooner you lean into that, the sooner you’ll just enjoy it. 🙂

  30. I could tell with one of my ex-girlfriends. She smelled differently when she was aroused. I could tell from a few feet away.

  31. No need to be embarrassed. It’s sad the insecurities that society and frat boy types have put on women. This is completely natural and totally sexy. In my experience some women have a stronger scent than others. Most that have that scent are insecure about it but it’s incredibly hot to me. We’re humans. Primates. Mammals. Pheromones are natural.

  32. It is not something you can control. Basically you are getting wet and turned on. It is not a bad thing and is so natural.

  33. Wait, from all these comments.. is that.. is that a real thing? I thought the BF of the OP was just joking?!

    Can someone please please tell me more (in science or whatever), please?

  34. I can smell when my partners are horny…when they’re on their periods…. it only smells bad if you’re not hygienic. It’s kinda hard to describe…distinct is the best word for it. Not good or bad…just distinct.

  35. Absolutely, it’s a phenomenal sensation when you can smell it ! Usually very strong when nearing time of the month too..

  36. Do you like being smelled in this way? Can you smell him when he’s turned on too?

  37. I can feel my boyfriend’s energy when he is. Never clocked a smell but I think it makes sense.

  38. My boyfriend is obsessed with my pheromones and how I smell. It’s totally a thing. Liking each others scent is a sign that you’re biologically compatible 😊

  39. I can smell myself when I’m really horny. I think it’s kinda cool. Guessing your bf likes it.

  40. My husband can smell it on me too. I’m super low key about when I’m in the mood but sometimes I’ll get into bed and he goes “why are you horny right now? I can smell it all over you” it’s absolutely crazy to me

  41. I’ve found my people!! I’ve said this for ages, I’ve been able to smell when some of my partners are horny too…for me it was a fishy smell, but not in a bad way? Like the “this room smells like sex” way, if that makes any sense. I love having this ability, it’s so neat to me!

  42. Yea I can smell when someone is horny. The interesting thing is how similar it is to the smell of fear. When it happens there is a warmth radiating off the person as well as the smell. It comes from all genders, and I’ve smelled it from men more, however the best thing I can think to compare it to is pussy smell. The raw slimy egg white consistency type of discharge that comes out of a pussy when it’s horny. It smells like flour, but also like fresh water found in a forest, and a flower from a fruiting planet that doesn’t exist, with a little bit of earth.

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