Whenever I’m greeted by someone I just say a little shy “hey” or “morning” and it makes me want to slam my head in a concrete wall. I want to be louder and talk more. But part of me really doesn’t give a shit. Then another part of me knows I’ll continue to be alone forever unless I start giving a shit. Help me give a shit.

1 comment
  1. Practice a few phrases. These will usually get a bit more response than “hey”, but arent too interpersonal that it will start an awkward or deep conversation.

    – “Hey! How was your weekend?” Or better yet:
    – “What did you do this weekend?”
    – “Have you seen anything good at the movies lately? I was thinking of going this weekend.”
    – “Im looking for a new [show/podcast/book] to binge… any suggestions?”
    – “What do you have planned for [insert upcoming holiday or 3-day weekend]?”

    If you feel like you don’t have anything to talk about, listen to some general podcasts like “reply all” or “this american life”.

    The stories are usually pretty work-place appropriate, and usually are interesting. It will give you some fodder for anytime you hit an awkward lull in a conversation. You can just go “hey so get this.. I was listening to this podcast episode about [insert whatever interesting story you heard about]. Have you ever heard of that before?”

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