You go to your love interest’s place for the first time and they do not have a single decorative pillow, how does that make you feel ?

  1. It makes me feel like he’s probably more responsible with money than I am.

  2. Are we supposed to have throw pillows now?

    Anyway, I wouldn’t notice, because decorative pillows or lack of thereof is not ever something I pay attention to in other people’s homes. Still, nothing? Neutral? I don’t have any either. Waste of space and annoying to have to move them whenever you sit down.

  3. Depends on whether their place is comfortable without them. Decorative pillows aren’t a requirement to me but having accent pillows of different sizes and shapes is practical and useful for comfort. I’d probably guess they and their guests were all fairly able-bodied so they haven’t realized the value in having extra pillows available.

  4. Nothing much, my current boyfriend hadn’t been living in his home for very long. It was pretty empty. As long as the house is clean, i don’t mind about anything else. I’ve since moved in, and no decorative pillows, we have crazy pets.

  5. I wouldn’t think anything of it. My husband had exactly one piece of anything decorative in his apartment when we met (the most generic Winners/Marshall’s print of some birch trees). Some people just don’t, there’s nothing wrong with it.

  6. I don’t think this is something I would ever notice about someone’s home.

  7. Personally I don’t care at all as long as the place is mostly clean(doesn’t have to be museum clean lol) and smells good.

  8. I probably wouldn’t even notice tbh 😆 I don’t really care about material things like that. If I did notice, I’d probably just assume he doesn’t know how to decorate his place or have a mom/sister/close female friend that would help him make his place more homey. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  9. I dont even notice decorative pillows at anyone’s place. So I wouldnt care

  10. That’s normal? We’re married for years now and still don’t have any decorative pillows.

  11. I like a clutter free home. I don’t have any decorative pillows or stuff that need to be cleaned and washed.

  12. *I* don’t even have decorative pillows. I have no reason to care if anybody else does.

  13. If my love interest is THE centerpiece, they’re all the decorative accent I need.

  14. I wouldn’t notice. Am I supposed to be there for the pillows? Things I DID notice were: no shower curtain and no sheets (both super weird, second one super gross being that it was a mattress that came with the place). (This individual is an ex. But these red flags should have made him an ex way faster than they did)

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