About a month ago I (19F) met a boy on an online dating app (23M) that I ended up liking. Now, I like intelligent individuals because I AM an overthinker. I know that I make bad decisions so I don’t want to be with someone who also makes bad decisions. This boy is letting a coworker that he’s known for a week stay in his apartment, he’s paying rent. He barely knows this coworker, he said that “He’s cool people” someone being “cool people” is not enough for me to let them stay in the place where I sleep. I wouldn’t let someone I’ve known for a little less than a week stay in my apartment. He said that this person “needed somewhere to stay” and it seemed impulsive and he was like “come move in with me.” Now granted, yes I do like this person. However, as of right now I like what I see on the SURFACE. I know nothing about how when it boils down to it. I don’t know if he cares about my safety and considering he’s letting a stranger move in with him it’s clear he gives little regard to his safety. If he gives that little regard and makes a decision like that how can I expect him to make good decisions when it comes to me. When I was 12 I put myself in a vulnerable position by trusting 2 boys alone in one house. A tragic experience came of that. Considering I don’t know him and I sure as hell don’t know his roommate and neither does he. I’m not comfortable going over to his house. I’ve gone over when it was just him but now that it could be a 2 on 1 situation I’m uncomfortable. Now, I have no interest in controlling his decisions or telling him to move that guy out. He is entitled to his decisions as I’m entitled to mine. My decision is to not go to his apartment anymore because it would place me in a vulnerable position. You might be thinking “why would you hang around someone you think may rape you.” He is very influenced by his friends. If his roommate who he claims is a “friend” decides he wants to do something to me it’s like what if he allows that. It’s already clear by him choosing to let a coworker he barely knows live with him that he doesn’t make the best decisions. He’s letting his coworker live with him because he chose a job that was far away from his house with no reliable form of transportation. He doesn’t have money for an uber and was going to rely on his next door neighbor for rides because he did not have a backup plan. He’s letting this guy move in because he needs rides to work. I’m just starting to realize down the line his poor decision making might effect me and it’s making me want to steer clear. I’m wondering if I’m overreacting or if this is a genuine worry. I have no right to control him but I do have a right to protect myself. I might be being paranoid but I would rather be paranoid than be raped. I feel like my feelings are wavering away due to my worries. I don’t want to sound shallow or narcissistic or judgmental. If what happened to me at a young age had not happened my mindset probably wouldn’t be like this but because it did it is fueling my trust issues. I might be completely wrong and this guy might be a good person. They might both be good people who would never do something like that. But that is not a risk I’m willing to take.

So could I get some opinions on this? Should I trust him or am I right to be suspicious of this.

(I’m putting this here because me and this guy have sex with one another)

1 comment
  1. I wouldn’t say you should be suspicious of him in particular. It’s weird, but I don’t he’s actively trying to be malicious toward you. If it makes you that uncomfortable, you can leave. You’re not obligated to stay with him. I might be totally wrong about this too, but I just tend to think that humans aren’t inherently bad and I don’t wanna jump to that (very bad) conclusion about someone. Do you like this guy?

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