I only hear stories about people losing weight and suddenly having people treat them with more kindness, attention, and respect than before. I wanted to know if anyone had actually accomplished something similar by improving confidence and self-esteem. Does this actually work? I feel like most people say it just because it’s the “right” thing to say.

  1. (F23) It does work! Improving confidence and self-esteem makes you look different, you walk different and you talk different, in my own experience smiling has a lot to do w it too… ppl get attracted by your energy

  2. Yeah. Just showing genuine kindness to people tends to make them notice you more. Also humor tends to get people to

  3. It did does happen to me. That’s why now I’m addicted to self improving myself through skincare and working out.

  4. maybe ive put some weight on then cause I dont know when the last time I had a proper convo hang out with someone in my age group 34 btw

  5. I used to be super hot and people approached and tried to be friends with me all the time but then i gained a considerable amount of weight from depression over a few years and now no one bothers approaching me lol

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