What do you do when your boyfriend declares he doesn’t get stimulated from porn nor wants sex, but you find downloaded images in an album on PC plus hours of porn perusing?

  1. He’s lying, he gets stimulated, he’s probably just too embarrassed or to proud to tell you. I’d approach him about the issue

  2. He won’t even have sex with me anymore but I found out he’s been masturbating to tons of girls downloaded pics online and some of his exs pics.

  3. You break up when the sex life you have is not the sex life you want.

    Punishing people is childish.

  4. Punishment would be an exchange or controlling I ain’t heard it yet.

    He is immature and can’t talk about it. There are many reasons this could be so.

    Being embarrassed about porn, not wanting to upset the partner, and not wanting to freak someone out with their porn interests?

    Obviously partnered sex has its place if you’re in a relationship, solo time shouldn’t interfere with normal operations so to speak.

    Explain you’re fine with masturbation and watching porn but disappointed because you don’t understand where it leaves you in the relationship as you’re not satisfied, and need something to change.

    (Ex pics, idfk..)

  5. I don’t think of this as punishment. This is him being selfish and childish. Honestly, despite the length of relationship, this is a red flag. Now is the time to either get with a counselor to work on things and get to the root of what’s causing him to act this way, or end it. It’s not right or fair to you. He’s actively lying and your needs aren’t being met.

  6. Well there ARE a number of factors, but yeah I totally agree with the fact he isn’t repeating my needs and wants. I definitely give him what he wants and would try to do anything to make sure HE was happy. I think I have some inspiration now to make a choice. I may quit going over everyday and not respond to him as much. Maybe he will bet the hint 🤷🏼‍♀️

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