What’s something extravagant you’d like to have bestowed upon you, even if it’s super unlikely or unrealistic?

  1. Man. Until just a couple of weeks ago, I would have said something like “paying off my student loans” or “forgiving my student loans”. But…I must have applied for Biden’s program in time to get mine wiped out, because when I logged into my loan servicing site, my balance was $0.

    Now, uh…maybe a monthly cleaning service, or even just a one-time full-house-organization service to come and help us figure out how to organize/store/display all our stuff–preferably in a way that’s sustainable moving forward.

  2. An engagement ring 💍 from Thundercat? I felt compelled to share because the chances of that happening are akin to winning the lottery…which I’d also like to do.

  3. I want my Grandpa’s cane sword. It’s been passed down to one of my aunts because she’s been the most successful kid he had (she’s a forest inspector). My family says that it might be passed onto me since I’m a teacher, but I don’t know if my aunt is actually going to give it to me. She doesn’t have kids, and neither do I.

  4. A living quarters horse trailer so I could go be me for a weekend or two a year

  5. A paid off 5 bedroom house. We have a two bedroom right now and I feel very blessed, but we’re (hopefully) going to need more space next year🤰🏼so a 5 bedroom would be incredible.

  6. a really fancy bathroom, like the kind with the long counters and vanity mirror for makeup with a poof chair in the middle

  7. My dads 1984 cutlass supreme. It was his first new car off the lot. It was white originally, but he painted it like a galaxy blue which has a purple hue too it and glitter in the paint to mimic stars. High gloss white stripes down the center and side skirts for some color pop and a huge blower intake sticking through the hood. It’s beautiful, mean, loud, and no one would ever expert little old me to step out of that bad boy

  8. An extravagant, in ground, tile surrounded, waterfall added pool. Or one of those wrap around slides. Ooh, or a grotto! I love the water so much, but I can’t afford a pool. Maybe one day

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