It’s not often I hear a man talk about a date their partner has taken them on, do men even like that? Let me know.

  1. There’s a reason you don’t hear about it lol that is super rare. For me, it has never happened. Always me the initiator and the planner. *sigh*.

  2. Im a man, it’s my job to take the woman out, I’ve accepted that this won’t be reciprocated

  3. I don’t think anyone’s ever really taken me on a date, but that’s more because my wife and I never really saw it as one of us taking the other on dates— we were going on dates together. Sometimes I’d pay, sometimes she’d pay, sometimes we paid together; whatever made the most sense.

    My favorites were probably the barcade dates.

  4. I’ve had partners where we alternate who plans date nights. I think they are more common when the partner is longer term.

    Honestly, they don’t have to be fancy. Something we can both enjoy doing. Something to eat. Some sexy time after.

  5. When a guy took me to the skatepark at 12 am and all we did was talk for hours, nothing sexual nothing malicious. After that he safely took me back home 3 am. I dont know where he is now but ill never forget him

  6. I can’t remember the last time a woman actually took me on a date. Like planned it all and everything.

  7. Lol, never once been taken on a date. Have had the lady pay for my meal once or twice, but that was just to assert that it was an outing as friends not romantic.

  8. My girlfriend took me to a concert for my birthday. This was early on in the relationship, so it was a very generous thing to do.

    The concert venue itself was right next to a beach, so about halfway through, we grabbed a couple of extra drinks and watched the rest of the show from the beach. I loved it

  9. My husband tells this story frequently enough that I think he’d call this the best date he’s ever been taken on…

    It was about a month before our wedding in 1990 and it had been a *wild time* thanks to the constant hyperdrive our mothers were in over this ridiculously lavish affair they demanded. I told them I had something for work and couldn’t be booked up on Saturday but they could have me all Friday night and after church on Sunday. I had the jeweler call my then fiancé and tell them they needed to see him Sat at 10 to review something with my custom ring and that it would not be a quick visit. So he was out for wedding work, too.

    I surprised him at the jeweler and whisked him away to a muscle car show a few towns over, took him to a diner for his favorite burger and then drove into the foothills to a place with an awesome view. I spread a blanket, pulled out his favorite beer from the cooler hiding in my trunk and we sat and watched the sun drop further on the horizon as we talked. I asked him to tell me his favorite memories from elementary, middle and high school and one fact most people didn’t know about him. I sat and listened to him for hours. Each time he would twirl it back to me I’d tell him it was all about him that day.

    We sat until there was no light left in the sky and we laughed realizing we’d not brought a flashlight. He was beside me, but slightly ahead to check the path as we tentatively walked on a moonless night.

    I stumbled on an exposed tree root and he caught me before I fell. I thanked him for catching me, that I didn’t need to look like I went nine rounds in our wedding photos. He kissed me sweetly and said it was too late, that I was a knockout. His play on words made me giggle and he got really serious and said it was absolutely true and that he would never let harm come to me, that no one would ever mean to him what I did and our day was absolutely perfect and he kissed me in a way he never had before.

    I can attest to you now, it was the closest I came to breaking the purity pledge we signed each week with the priest who married us!

  10. She asked me to teach her how to drive. On one of our lessons, she drove to a motel and we went at it for close to 2 hours. I didn’t know that was the plan until we got there.

  11. I’ve never been taken on a date. I’ve always been the instigator and planner.

    If I’d been laid back and waited to be asked, no dates would have happened.

  12. Women are assholes when it comes to dating. Most women just don’t even think this way. They feel like giving a guy sex makes it a special date.

  13. Women usually masked it by just going out for a beer, not that it happenned many times… but it mostly ended up ver, date-ish, based on their intentions.

  14. The next date that a woman takes me on will be the best, and first date a woman has ever taken me on. It just never happens that way

  15. I have never in my life been taken on a date . But if i was adult go karting steak and a hotel .

  16. *”What was the best date somebody has ever took you on?”*

    Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha!

    *”It’s not often I hear a man talk about a date their partner has taken them on,”*

    Because it doesn’t happen often.

    *”do men even like that?”*

    Sure, but once again it doesn’t happen often. Now in long term relationships/marriage it might be more frequent but not as much as the reverse.

    When it comes to romance women generally passive (lazy) to it. Ex. Initiating anything sex/romance related. It’s more about experiencing romance or being taken care of rather than doing the work of romancing (ex planning and paying for dates) and hoping for the other person to reciprocate interest.

  17. She took me to her place. Didn’t leave for 3 days.

    And I’m still locked in her closet, help!!!

    Oh, I kid…

  18. One woman invited me to go on a picnic with her at a local park. She brought a bunch of treats, a big canteen filled with cold beer, a blanket for us to sit on, and her little dog. It was lovely.

    We went to her place after, talked about our kinks, and then made use of that info. She was funny and gorgeous and we kept seeing each other casually for awhile before I met someone I actually wanted a relationship with. Picnic woman was still in college and drank/smoked more than I’d like a romantic partner to.

    Thanks for reminding me of some nice memories!

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