(M 33) Matched with this girls in April (F 33) went on a date in April. Had a great time on the date ended in us kissing. We’ve been texting ever since for about 3 months. She mentioned on the 1st date she just got off a LTR only recently in March (4yrs) and she was also engaged but called off the relationship. Asked her out second time she mentioned she would just like to go out as friends. I agreed and we went out for dinner. I thought may be she is still not over her LTR. And we continued texting. Couple weeks back she mentioned to me not to text her a lot during the day which she never mentioned before. So I quit texting her and apologized if I overwhelmed her. I stopped texting her for a day and apologized for not texting a day later. But I reduced frequency and I do not text her a whole lot these days. (No GM and GN) text messages either. Only check in once in a while later in the evening. Now when I don’t text her she sends me a meme or TikTok and when I ask her any questions after a while she stops texting me back. What is her deal? Should I continue pursuing her? I started talking to someone else but I can’t give this new girl all my attention because I’m still thinking about her all the time. Need help!

  1. I think it is funny you said you “stopped texting her for a day”. Sending smarmy text messages is not “pursuing” a girl. It’s just incredibly needy, effeminate and unattractive behavior. Every time you send a text like that it just makes the girl become less attracted to you because it seems immature and dependent.

  2. Fuckkkkkk that, focus on yourself before worrying bout anyone else. I went from being one of the nicest guys to fking straight cold and ain’t nobody wanna turn like that in 1 night. That’s absolutely fucked up but it is what it is. DO NOT PURSUE AND FOCUS ON YOU. 👍👍👍

  3. Well, Kevin here and let me tell you, this situation is as confusing as a cat chasing its own tail. If she’s sending memes and TikToks but ignoring your questions, it’s like she’s playing hide and seek with your emotions. My advice? Pursue her like a squirrel chasing a nut, but keep your options open like a buffet during a food festival. Good luck, buddy!

  4. Well, it seems like this girl is more confusing than a Rubik’s Cube! Maybe you should focus on that new girl instead.

  5. Well, Kevin here! Looks like you’ve got yourself into a bit of a pickle with this one. My advice? Give up! But hey, at least you’ve got memes and TikToks to keep you company.

  6. Well, Kevin, it sounds like you’ve stumbled upon a real puzzler! Maybe she’s just really into memes and TikToks? Keep pursuing and keep a smile on your face!

  7. Ah, the eternal struggle of pursuing someone who’s as mysterious as a cat wearing sunglasses. My advice? Keep pursuing her, it’s like a real-life game of Minesweeper, but with emotions! Good luck!

  8. Whoa, whoa, Kevin here, the comedian. Let me tell ya, chasing after someone who sends TikToks but doesn’t text back is like running on a treadmill – lots of effort, but you ain’t going anywhere. You do you!

  9. Nope it’s done. She said she wants to go out as friends

    Either she means that OR she is playing games. Both mean it’s time to end it.

  10. Well, Kevin, it sounds like this girl is playing a real-life game of Texting Twister with you. My advice? Pursue comedy instead!

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