What do women do that is an immediate turn off?

  1. Whine, act entitled, tease. play high school head games, dig for gold, act overly helpless, get offended too easily, flaunt themselves for cheap attention ….

    Holy shit, I better stop.

  2. Talk about not needing a man. Like ok, congrats. Any functioning adult can fend for themselves and is not an accomplishment.

  3. A lot of that “rules for thee, but not for me” type stuff. Like expecting guys they fancy or in general to have their shit together. While expecting us to be okay with anything that would be a turn off in general for them. Then getting upset when you call them out on it, but again pretty much the same thing.

  4. Start going off about he she is a boss bitch that don’t need no men, all men are trash, she’s bodied a ton of guys and they ain’t shit, etc etc etc.

  5. Lacking any sort of initiative — in conversation, sex, planning things, etc.

  6. Be unintelligent. There are few things more unattractive in my book than a woman with just elevator music playing in her head.

  7. One of the things that’s always got on my nerves is when she acts like I don’t know how to function and require a woman in my life to do basic things.

    A lot of times, this was a critique on my manner of dress or home space. Kind of like those “men really think it’s okay to live like this” memes.

  8. No accountability. The girl who is always surrounded by drama yet none if it is ever EVER her fault.

  9. Start showing signs of jealousy or toxicity, criticize what i am, what i do or how i do it

  10. You don’t know what you want, I know what you want

    You don’t know what I want, how could a man ever know what a woman wants

    Although the phasing varies

  11. Any sort of entitlement, my love languages are gifts and acts of service, but that’s only if they’re appreciated

  12. Self absorbed, playing mysterious, not being up front about their feelings. Basically anything immature

  13. Fake flirt, it’s not 100% but we do have a sense for it and will call you out.

  14. For me, it’s if their entire Instagram page is just a bunch of thirst trap selfies.

  15. Demanding to be treated like a Queen or princess. Yet they live at home with parents and have no life goals other than traveling paid by others

  16. Two big ones.

    1) Women who get trashed drunk. It’s not cute or fun. I’ve had enough alcoholics in my life and I don’t need another.

    2) Women who are unable to say what they mean. Don’t give me some line about how you’ll let me know when you’re available or cancel at the last minute. If you aren’t interested then just say so and we can both move on.

  17. On their phone all the time. Doesn’t engage in conversation. I like to think I’m a pretty low maintenance dude. I don’t need much in the way of initiative for conversation but I do need a little cooperation otherwise what are we doing on a date?

  18. If you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best. From my experience the best never comes around, and they’re just a shitty person.

  19. Being anything less than present. Anything less than honest. Having no substance.

  20. Cry about men having expectations for women then being hypocrites about male expectations.

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