I have asked him about this and his reply was that he doesn’t know many of them and that he had followed/added prior to our relationship so doesn’t really see the issue but as many people do he is on his social medias an awful lot, every day, my issue is that after I looked at who he follows on his socials it killed my self esteem, left me feeling inadequate for him, I am older than him and most of these attractive women. I know men are “visual creatures” but it does look a lot like he has a list of women id like to fuck. 😅
I don’t think he is messaging anyone but it’s very easy for him to connect with just a click of a button, with them already on his socials.

All this came about when one evening we were in bed on our phones and he was looking at photos of his ex on instagram which I wasn’t comfortable with as my ex’s do not post those kind of photos of themselves, most men do not post photos of themselves at all.

I am thinking of adding/following a-load of attractive men that will post attractive photos of themselves to prove a point?

Very immature I know. Curious what advice reddit has on this topic.

  1. ok 1) looking at a bunch of sexy strangers is WAAAAY different than looking at pics of an ex? wtf is his problem? No ex photos. yuck.
    2) don’t be petty and follow a bunch of dudes – if he’s a true dude, he’s not going to get the passive-aggressive action
    3) if it bothers you, tell him. He’ll either listen or he won’t. But either way it’ll tell you a LOT about your future. Can you see yourslef being with him in another 10 years?

  2. I am a very different person now at 33 than I was at 24. I’ve grown and matured a lot since then. My point? Maybe date someone a little closer to you in age and maturity. Someone in their early 20s is in a completely different place in life than someone in their early 30s.

  3. It sounds like this particular 24-yr-old has the maturity level of a 12-yr-old. I don’t know why you’d keep seeing someone with the issues he obviously has. You deserve a guy that’ll make you feel like Helen of Troy. Don’t bother adding a bunch of men to your social media, just dump this boy, because he is indeed a boy.

  4. he is young and immature, my bf’s likes on insta are all truck/fourwheeler/tattoo things -but he is 10 years older than yours. I think he probably doesn’t see it as an issue yet as he hasn’t reached peak maturity levels. I don’t think following bunch of dudes is the answer, I think communicating your feelings is

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