Does anyone have recommendations for sexy books that are not just boring romance novels? (No offense if you’re a romance novel fan! It’s just not for me.) I’m looking for something that’s maybe a little more thriller or mystery or just overall interesting but not like hallmark movie kind of thing.

  1. My wife recently read Fourth Wing and loved it. She described it as “Horny Hogwarts”. Not sure if that sounds appealing, but she reads a lot of books and loved that one.

  2. 50 Shades of Grey (the book, not the terrible movie) spurred a whole BDSM boom.

    Other ideas are some of the work of Anais Nin – Delta Venus comes to mind.

    Another great source is []( – a site with hundreds of thousands of free erotic stories.

  3. AO3 haha. But seriously, some explicit stories there are incredibly well written, sufficiently descriptive and definitely feel far more realistic than erotica novels.

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