Ok, so for some context, I matched with a guy on an online dating site about a month ago. We started talking and hit it off. Soon enough we were calling each other and talking everyday almost all day, with a few days exceptions. He lives about 6 hours away from me and so meeting wasn’t an option right away. However, he drives down to the big city about an hour away from me regularly.

So after about 3 weeks we found a time in both our schedules to make time to meet up. Made plans and although it was only an hour to hang out, his personality in person made me more attracted to him. But there were a couple things he had said that have made me think that maybe he’s not interested.

When we were hanging out he had said I was more shy than he was expecting. And honestly, I was only more shy because I had a cold sore on my lip that was making me a little more insecure. But then we were hanging in his car and he asked me if it was alright if we kissed. So I thought, “yeah, he must be interested if he wants to kiss me” but then after we kissed he said I taste good which isn’t something I’ve heard before, but I guess that’s good, nobody wants to kiss someone with bad breath. But then he went on for about 15 minutes how he wants to tell me something but he doesn’t want me to take it the wrong way, how people from around here take it the wrong way. So I asked him to just tell me.

He told me that I’m bigger in person than he was expecting but that it’s a good thing and he finds me more attractive. It caught me off guard because that’s definitely not something that’s often meant as a good thing. But I let it go. Figured he probably had good intentions. And shortly after that asked if it was alright if he still checked out other women while we hung out. (My response to him checking out other people was yeah, because we aren’t dating, nothing is official and I didn’t want to seem like the type of girl who would control that) I mean it hurt a little, but again, I let it go.

After he had to leave, we agreed to make time again the following week. Which he cancelled two days before because I brought it up and he told me those plans had changed. And our conversations haven’t been like they used to be. We barely talk. He never calls anymore. We text maybe once a day or once every two days.

He messaged me yesterday asking me if he could crash at my place tonight. He made it clear it wasn’t anything sexual, just so we can hang out and he has a place to sleep. I don’t know if he made it clear it was nothing sexual for my benefit or because he wasn’t interested. I told him it would be fine for him to stay at my place. And once I told him that he said nothing is set in stone, he’s not sure if he will be needing a place to crash but will keep me posted. He won’t know for sure if he needs a place to crash tonight until 4.

I’m not sure if he’s using me, but because he isn’t just making plans to hang out with me and just hanging out with me when it’s convenient in his schedule, I’m not sure how I should feel about it.

  1. Do you have WELCOME tattooed on your forehead? He’s treating you like a doormat. End contact. Shut that door!

  2. Don’t let him in!! The audacity of this one to just talk to you when he needs you lol

  3. > asked if it was alright if he still checked out other women while we hung out.

    > I told him it would be fine for him to stay at my place.

    you gave up too many concessions imo, so he came to see you ‘differently’ and less worthy of his serious interest

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