I need new ideas on what to do for my husband. Maybe sweet spots that most men have, certain phrases , I want some new things to do. New moves, positions, tricks, mouth tricks, hand, all of it . Anything you got, lay it on me.

  1. Finger up the arse.

    How the hell are we supposed to know what your husband likes!?

  2. Enjoy giving him a blowjob

    I don’t mean pretend to enjoy it I mean actually enjoy it, ask him if you can and then have fun with it

  3. Just letting you know, the mods will remove this cuz its too sexual. Try r/sex instead

  4. Casually walk around half naked in the house. For example, wearing one of his t-shirts and nothing else. And walk around as if he isn’t even there. When he sees how effortlessly sexy you are in your own little world, he’ll be turned on

  5. A wink and a head bob towards the bedroom. When my women initiates its amazing..

  6. Ass up, head down on the bed. Or couch. Or kitchen table.

    No man, upon entering a room and seeing this, can resist.

  7. Me personally with my partner when she sticks her hand in my pants and starts rubbing my thing but thats just me personally.

  8. Looking over her shoulder during…. you know. That personally kills me.

  9. If they are under age 25 anything lol. As they get older, basically nothing…it gets harder and harder to get in the mood over the years.

  10. Tell him you are going to swallow because he deserves it. It’ll drive him nuts.

  11. Maybe you should not try to find what easily turns most men on but what easily turns **your husband** on. You should talk with him about it.

    But answering you question, I believe kissing and licking the neck works for most **people**.

  12. Sounds weird but:

    – take him for dinner.
    – you drive
    – you pay (just do it before he does, sneakily if you must)
    – you take him home and set up a massage
    – you set up the bed and some candles or whatever
    – the rest can be your usual tricks, he’ll be over the moon.

  13. Hands over or in the pants rubbing his gear. Ask him to to fuck you and tell him where you want the finish

  14. Though I am sure you’re looking for sexual feedback, another way to turn on a man is a nice hearty home-cooked meal.

  15. Okk so explore new venues try to get him to talk about fantasies he like like sex in public or role play or things of that nature you trying to figure it out is like jigsaw puzzle without shapes unless he gives you the shapes. Every man is different there’s no one size fits all. For example my GF and I are in the LS the other night we tried a gloryhole for the first time and I’m telling you it was the sexiest thing I have ever seen and we’ve been through a lot…

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