This is a friend’s account. I just really need some help, if any of you have time. I’ve had a lot of rough stuff happen in life, but I think I’ve reached my breaking point.

Can’t cope with the trauma of my partner of 4Y cheating because of who she did it with and just overwhelming amounts of rejection from every area of my life. After I found out, I moved 2k miles away and don’t really have anybody to talk to or job opportunities here.

– partner cheated with the guy who homewrecked my last LTR.
– partner knew about all the trauma with this guy and me when it last happened 5Y ago, and chose to engage and then chose the guy over me and the dog we raised.
– supposed friends knew about it happening or refused to pick up the phone while they lied about trying to be neutral while catering to the partner.

This level of rejection is super painful. Sort of broke me.

She’s super successful and talented, and just before the affair won an enormous job for her career as an orchestra musician and is getting lot of public love and admiration. I was always there for her supporting her, rooting for her, and sometimes driving her to the auditions. Seems cruel to see the world love her and throw me aside when I know how ‘there’ I was during it all.

– I’m a musician too, and have gotten far in auditions myself, but nothing has landed. I tried my hand at financial derivatives trading, and have been somewhat successful, but the emotional turmoil from the last 6 weeks has been really horrible for trading. Lost nearly my entire net worth since the break up.

– I’ve tried looking for help on reddit anonymous boards since I can’t find a support system IRL that won’t take her side. She found out and threatened civil action if I continued to write some self help posts, but I don’t know what else to so.

tldr; So here I am. Rejected intimately, rejected professionally, rejected by my friends. All in very deep ways. I can’t see an out.

  1. If your friends are taking the side of the cheater and the prior trauma source… sorry friend but they are worth moving away from. Have you tried a therapist?

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