I’m dating my bf from past 1 year. So, like a month ago my boyfriend (19m)went on a trip to Hawaii with his friends where he met a girl and they guys hooked up. after one week he came back. I missed him so much and I( 18f) was happy to see him back.

We even went on a date that night. It was the best date night I ever had and when we came home he told me that he loves me & would never hurt me and somehow if he does that would be unintentionally and he wants to forgive me if something like this ever happens in future and I was like okay I got confused and asked him why is he saying this and he said ” nothing just forget it”. I thought he might be stressed about how his parents dosent approve our relationship. (so the reason why his parents dosent like me is bcoz I’m not rich like they’re.) they keep humiliating me whenever they get a chance.

So anyways after that day he kept saying the same thing everyday like it was a regular thing. Then I got little suspicious so I confronted him that why he has been acting so weird . We had an argument and finally he confessed that he slept with this girl while he was in Hawaii but it was like a one time thing. When I heard this I felt ground slipping under my feet. I had a major breakdown. I couldn’t stop myself from crying. He kept saying sorry for what he did. But I brokeup with him bcoz I can’t be with a person who cheats on me and now he has been coming to my house daily to apologize. He broke my heart to the core and I don’t think I could trust him ever again.

I havent seen his face since that day I just told my mom to send him away. But he dosent stop. My mom says I should take him back she says he loves me and he’s really in guilt for what he did. Even my friends want us to get back together. I just don’t know what to do should I give him a second chance? What do u guys tthink??

Tldr bf has been constantly apologizing for cheating on me with a random girl on a trip to Hawaii. Comes to my house regularly with an apology but I’m not ready to forgive him. Heartbroken and I don’t think could ever trust him

  1. >I brokeup with him bcoz I can’t be with a person who cheats on me

    Good. You did well.

    >he has been coming to my house daily to apologize

    >I just told my mom to send him away. But he dosent stop.

    So he’s a cheater who also doesn’t give a shit about your boundaries.

    Block him and call the cops next time he shows up. Keep calling them until he takes the hint.

  2. >But I brokeup with him bcoz I can’t be with a person who cheats on me and now he has been coming to my house daily to apologize. He broke my heart to the core and I don’t think I could trust him ever again.

    Good, smart move.

    >My mom says I should take him back she says he loves me and he’s really in guilt for what he did.

    Wow, that’s terrible advice. She knows he slept with another girl and lied to your face about it until you finally forced him to confess, right? I have to wonder what’s going through her head – and it makes me think she could be putting some personal bias into her advice.

    What does your dad think about it?

    >What do u guys tthink??

    Next time he comes by, confront him yourself (no more getting mom involved as a bouncer, since she doesn’t have your best interest at heart), tell him to leave, and say that if he comes back you’ll call the police for harassing you. Then do so if he’s dumb enough to show up again. And don’t take advice from your mom, because her head is clearly not in the right place.

  3. Don’t listen to your mom. Don’t listen to your friends. Listen to yourself.

    You don’t think you could ever trust him again. That says it all. Tell him off when he comes to the door and threaten to call the police.

  4. Good for you for staying strong even with your mother’s bad advice! You know your worth!

  5. You did good thing for you..don’t take him back no matter what..your young, you will find someone who respects you and treats you like a queen..

  6. Do NOT take him back. He threw away your trust and completely disregarded you .. for a random girl.

  7. yes don’t take him back. actions always speak louder than words. if he thought it was okay once to hurt you like that, you should not be with him. ask him to leave you alone and don’t listen to your mom

  8. Your mother has terrible advice. My mom was also cheated on regularly and she was absolutely miserable. I was also cheated on my an ex husband and he’s long gone from my life.

    Stand your ground and find someone who respects you.

    Also if your mom brings up you keeping your bf again. My petty ass would just get her a copy of “Leave a Cheater, Gain a Life” by Tracy Schorn and say something snarky like I have more respect for myself.

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