I’ll go first: I think it would be hilarious if we made an amendment that forces Congress and the President to be different parties.


Would it be helpful for the US? Not at all. But it would be fuckin funny

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  2. I think we should just go ahead and split Texas into those 4 states like in their constitution. They’re way too big for their britches at this point

    (Realistically this might actually have some good effects, I don’t care though. I just want to see Texans mad about being split up)

  3. VP goes to the runner-up in a presidential election. This is actually how it used to be until 1804 when the 12th amendment was ratified.

  4. All legislators, both at the state and federal level, *must* be tripping **absolute balls** on mushrooms their entire term or they don’t get to vote on anything.

  5. I don’t think DC should be a state because I dont think states should be a single city. I think a state should comprise of county or county-equivalents and cities within them.

    I would rather DC be absorbed into Maryland honestly.

    I understand thats not a legal requirement to be a state, but that is still my belief.

    I also lean to the left but I don’t think DC should become a state solely to benefit the democrats in elections. Thats a slippery slope. I dont think ANY state should split to benefit any political party. I think our political polarisation is toxic and childish and will destroy this country.

  6. Citizens who deliberately litter shall be ceremonially drowned.

    Foreigners who deliberately litter shall have a hand removed.

  7. Any time the national debt is more than 103% of gdp, all sitting federal congressmen are ineligible for reelection.

    Would solve the national debt instantly.

  8. I seem to remember in history class … when the country first started.

    Candidate who came in first was president, and the one who came in second was vice. It didn’t really work.

  9. I don’t think it’s all that weird or dumb necessarily, but one of the things I think is a radical idea would be to replace the House of Representatives with a pool of random citizens (that meet certain criteria like not being convicted of violent crimes), sort of like a form of jury duty. It would be a four year session, with the first six months being shadowing the current representatives and taking classes of some sort to learn about the job. The other 3.5 years would be actually legislating. There would also be a larger number of representatives to match the population better than the current nonsense. There should be thousands of representatives to more accurately reflect the population size.

  10. I have two that people on reddit will most likely hate and think is weird.

    1. I think jus sanguinis is better and what was initially intended by “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof.”

    2. The senate should go back to being elected by the state legislatures.

  11. Fist fighting in Congress should be allowed. Especially considering how old the current batch is.

    Would it be helpful at all for the US? No and in fact, it might actually make things worse. But by golly would it be fun to watch.

  12. January 6th was nothing compared to the entire year of terror inflicted on cities by criminals pretending to be BLM supporters.

  13. Instead of state legislatures or conventions, constitutional amendments should be decided by national popular vote during the next presidential or midterm election. Needs 75% approval to pass.

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