does anybody have any suggestions on how to talk to people? i know this may be a stupid question, but im a teenager that goes mute when wanting to talk to people id like to talk to. i have no problem talking to the people i already get along with well, but obviously when it comes to new people i become very and extremely mute. if i do manage to get something out, i say something stupid and random. i just want some examples of how to start conversation, like questions! if nobody minds 🙂 thats the hardest part for me if im being completely honest. it gets hard, i just start overthinking what to say and also if theyd judge me for trying to talk to them. any help is appreciated , along with tips. i really need more friends who arent toxic and so im not that lonely anymore lol … thanks 🙂

  1. i forgot to mention.. its like this majority of the time, but if im feeling better than i slightly do, (i feel neutral all the time) im able to get out just a bit. it seems to take a part in with my emotions, or something mental i guess.. i dunno lol

  2. They might judge you, but they’ll judge you if you are quiet too. Humans judge the world around them, and you are part of that world. So be it.

    Ask them boring ass questions like what they do for work, hobbies or studying or whatever, doesn’t matter what it is. It’s actually all about the follow-up questions and comments, and they are impossible to predict, so you have to be in the moment and actively listening. Usually, how people *feel* about a certain topic is more interesting than what they know about it.

    Move your awareness from your own inner monologue to the words of the other person, and if you have the courage to say what you actually think or wonder about instead of saying the “right” thing out of fear of judgment, the questions, compliments and maybe even some playful teasing will come automatically.

  3. Just ask questions about them and get them to do the talking. That way there is less pressure on you to chit chat and volunteer info

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