Hi i recently went through a breakup so trying to make my self feel better. What are the perks of being single.

  1. You can do whatever you want, with no one to answer to. Wanna take a spontaneous weekend trip? Go for it. Remodel your bedroom? Go nuts. Move to the other side of the country? Yeah why not.

    That kind of flexibility is definitely a perk.

  2. I’m not a man. But the benefits for me is I don’t have to cook, don’t have to stress about cleaning my apartment. I still clean but now I don’t have to worry about being a little messy.

    I don’t have to shave my cooch. Which I hate because I have to do fucking acrobatics just to get everything. I don’t have to worry about comparing myself to other women and being jealous, don’t have to fight about money and who pays what.

    Don’t have to worry about looking line a super model all the time, can focus on my career, I can stay home and do nothing and be on my phone all day without someone bitching about it.

    Best of all, I have independence and don’t have to answer to anyone. It’s peaceful.

    I’ve gotten to the point where I’m comfortable and happy being alone. And the advantage of that is I won’t consider a relationship with anyone unless they are absolutely worth it. I’m not lonely so I don’t feel like I just need somebody all the time to fill a void like most people do.

  3. Like others are saying, you have no schedules, responsibilities and commitments outside of work life/career. You plan your own life and hobbies however pleases you.

  4. No need to take care of other people. I can eat the same food for months and not be bored. I’m currently goig to college and I went last year eating just chicken, broccoli, and rice. I am still not bored of it. It’s fast and tastes good.

  5. Not having to negotiate every aspect of your life with another person. The freedom to sleep, eat, play, work, and be lazy when you choose is underrated.

    Never being nagged or being forced to have a “discussion” about your choices.

    I prefer being single. It takes a high level of compatibility to entice me into a serious relationship.

  6. It’s a lot easier to gain wisdom and grow as a person without the constant distraction or *detraction* of a relationship.

    I can work through my problems on my own without the constant put-downs and criticism. I see a lot of people hopping from one relationship to the next without ever figuring out who they are because they’re terrified of realizing that they’re flawed and need mental space to grow. Relationships are just a cover-up for them, a sweeping under the rug of their own problems. If I’m lucky enough to find someone special again, I’ll be able to bring stuff to the table instead of drama.

    Discover who you are. Have an ethic. Do the stuff you wanna do. Grow as a person. Have fun!

  7. * Your time is yours. No impromptu dates or “hey can you help me with x”
    * Your mood is more stable. No more being in a sour mood due to a disagreement or what not.
    * Your wallet is fatter. No more dates, gifts, paying for food, driving somewhere, etc.
    * You can flirt/talk/hang with whoever you want whenever you want. No matter how chill or jealous your ex was, you are now free to do whatever you want with whoever you want again.
    * Your friends are more likely to invite you to hang. Friends that used to be turned down by you bc you were hanging with your ex now recognize you’re open and are happy to hang out with you more.
    * Great excuse to get absolutely fucking ripped at the gym. Especially if it was an ugly breakup, just more lifting fuel.
    * You get to be yourself again. People forget how to be themselves after being in a relationship for a long time. So much of their personal energy is just outsourced and spent on someone else that you lose yourself. Remembering how to be you again is a great feeling.

  8. Not scarred of she’s cheating or worst faking, I know people taking a whole marriage with kids and a house and shit

  9. You don’t have to call/text someone every day, don’t have to do any work or put in any effort in general, and you can sleep diagonally on your bed and not worry about shifting positions.

  10. More room on the empty bed so I can get into a proper depression position without having to worry about anybody else 🙂

  11. No stress about what to make for meals. I’m fine feeding myself garbage, but I can’t do that to someone else.

  12. As cliche as this sounds its true. The best part about being single is the ability to work on yourself. Its hard (not impossible) to work on being the best version of yourself when you are simultaneously focusing on someone else and being a “unit”. But when you are single you can focus on yourself and learn how to be happy alone. Do things you enjoy, try new things, work out, expand your mind. If you do things you enjoy and are happy in life you will naturally attract people to you. Enjoy your time being single man. When i went through a pretty rough break up i decided to not sit around and be depressed or angry or sad about the situation. I used it as an opportunity to learn and grow and make changes in my life that positively effected my path. Everyone is going to have a different answer and certain things work for some people but not for others. But i think overall just find things that bring you joy and do them as much as you can and you will find being single a lot more enjoyable

  13. No responsibility to anyone. Saying up as long as want. Go anywhere you want with whomever you want. Spend all the money on you. Pay prostitutes, if you want to. Pit as many time in your hobbies (or work) as you can. Live in a smaller apartment and save a ton of money. Training as much or as little as you want. Play videogames all night or cry in your bed without any fear of being judged. Take a trip somewhere without planning – with extensive planning, whatever you prefer. They to become a whore or join a Tibetan monastery and meditate to a higher realm.

    Long story short: You are free to do whatever you like, whenever you like with as much intensity as is exactly right for you. I get feeling like you’re useless without a partner, bit try to discover who that guy in you is, when he’s free. If you truly become that guy it’ll make you a lot happier and honestly even help with your next relationship,should you want one.

  14. You know that sweet part when you come home from work, have a beverage and soak in all the drama free silence? Yup. That’s the stuff.

    My ex could not handle me relaxing. After a while I told her; “my peace of mind is more important than your opinion. Goodbye”.

  15. I had a fiancé, we broke up for a year and a half and now we’re trying again but it’s constant abuse and I don’t have a voice anymore. She can do no wrong but everything I do is. Bringing up the past constantly. Enjoy the freedom. Love is great, but is also so fucked up

  16. My friend’s girlfriend just broke up with him and now he needs to rush to find a place to stay. So I don’t have to deal with that at least.

  17. Damn this thread makes me want to be single again.

    Diagonal sleeping.
    Not worrying about what someone else wants to eat, do, watch.
    Time dedicated to personal growth.
    Shitting with the door open.
    Having a wank when I feel like it.
    No hairs everywhere.
    Living in my own filth and mess is acceptable.
    Being forced into keeping a clean home on the off chance I do bring a girl home.
    If it’s broke it’s because I did it.
    I don’t need storage dedicated to other peoples things.
    All the time to play golf and do more hobbies.
    My things are where I left them.
    I could live in a tiny home and travel with just a backpack.
    Random trips whenever I feel.
    I don’t need to buy gifts or receive them.
    Being able to express my emotions without feeling like I’m being angry at someone else.
    All that extra money.
    Building romantic connections with more than 1 person.
    My depression doesn’t need to affect anyone extra.
    Forcing myself to go out my comfort zone and speak to other people.

  18. I have a part-built F15E kit on my kitchen table that’s been there for a while and may be there for a while more. Do I hear nybody complaining about it?


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