There’s a thread I just left where people were comparing Taylor Swift’s level of fame with Michael Jackson’s level, but the problem was they were comparing national fame on a 15 year long career with global fame on a 45 year long career, which I know can be really interesting to compare.

Here are some examples I’m particularly interested in, but you’re free to add your own:

Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Elvis, Buddy Holly.

  1. Well Elvis was very popular in the 60s, after Rákosi’s North Korea-style dictatorship ended, and MJ was very popular in the 80s and early 90s.

    In the current era pretty much everyone below 70 knows who Lady Gaga is, her songs are frequently played on the radio (just got out of my car while Born This Way was on air), Taylor Swift less so, Katy Perry is more well-known.

  2. Michael Jackson is far, far more popular than Taylor Swift.

    I think the way we consume media nowadays and have access to it, whilst also being able to produce our own, will make it easier for artists to become famous (cf. Justin Bieber) but also harder to become a global phenomenon like Michael Jackson.

    With regards to your list:

    Elvis >>> Lady Gaga > Taylor Swift > Buddy Holly

  3. Taylor Swift is VERY popular, at least among women in their early/mid 20s. Lady Gaga used to be very popular as well, but she’s not nearly as popular now as 10 years ago. MJ was very popular in the 80s and 90s, and his popularity rose again after his death. Buddy Holly, no idea. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone mention him, so I’m pretty sure he’s not that famous here.

  4. American singers are quite popular in Poland, many classics are aired on the radio all the time, especially from the 80s and 90s, apart from Polish songs.

    Taylor Swift? I doubt she’s as popular here in Poland as in the USA. Lady Gaga? Quite popular. Elvis? Not really. Buddy Holly? I’ve heard that name before, but most people in Poland haven’t.

  5. Michael Jackson and Elvis are the most famous by far. There is barely anyone who hasn’t heard of them. Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga are popular with people under 40 but older people don’t know them probably, although they would recognize their songs since they are on the radio a lot.

    I think Buddy Holly is the odd one out. If you are not into classic rock then I don’t think most people know him, even people in their 70’s and 80’s. Although odds are they would recognize his songs instantly.

  6. All are/were popular here.

    My dad loved Buddy Holly and most of his generation did, Elvis was and probably still is popular, Gaga and Swift are also popular.

    We listen to a lot of American music.

  7. I really don’t pay attention to modern musicians beyond the occasional composer so I’d guess the usual Swift, Gaga and Beoncey? Beyonce? Beoncee? Fuck I’m getting old 😅

  8. In general most country-music singers are not very well-known/popular outside the US.

    There was recently a post on AskReddit about which celebrity would induce worldwide mourning and alot of americans answered with country-music artist, most of which were virtually unknown internationally.

  9. Buddy Holly – first time hearing this.

    Elvis – probably some old people.

    Michael Jackson – king of pop, most popular US singer here. From Boomers to older Gen Z everyone knows his songs.

    Lagy Gaga – popular

    Taylor Swift – I always thought Call me Maybe was her song lol. But it’s by Carly Rae Jepsen. That song alone was more popular than her two most popular songs from 2014.

  10. Taylor Swift doesn’t just have national fame though. I feel like right now she’s one of the most famous musicians in the world.

    I’d order them Michael Jackson – Taylor Swift – Lady Gaga – Buddy Holly. Lady Gaga would have been above Taylor like 10 years ago but she hasn’t made that much impact lately.

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