Cisgender woman here, wondering about the cervix.

Recently had sex with a longtime FWB and during foreplay, he was fingering me. He was rubbing my cervix a bit and it felt AMAZING. It actually got me to finish. And I was shocked by that because normally it’s painful (when it gets hit during penetration or hit very hard with toys). Anything I’ve ever read is that the cervix hurts to touch and is not normally associated with “pleasure”.

Have any other women experienced this? Or their partners?

  1. There are small “pockets” in front and behind the cervix where it dips slightly into the vaginal canal. They are call the posterior and anterior fornix areas. I’m not sure it’s a universal thing, but it’s one of the ways my SO can cum. Using my fingers or my dick, I can go into those areas and we both love it. It stimulates the head of my dick, and presses JUST RIGHT on Her fornix areas.

  2. Near the cervix there are two little nerve centers, the anterior and posterior fornices.

    When particularly aroused, the cervix will be less sensitive to pain, and stimulating these spots is as good or better as stimulating the g-spot for penetration for some. It’s often best done digitally, because a more rigid toy or the penis thrusting isn’t necessarily as good of making a gentle caressing motion across the cervix or applying pressure to the nearby fornices.

  3. Cervical orgasms are real and I also have them. Being punched in the cervix by accident is worlds different from having it caressed.

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