I was born without knowing my father. At the time my mother was in a rough spot in her life so she’s never had much details to offer from the handful of times I’ve asked. She left when I was 10 and raised by my grandmother who died almost a decade ago. I’m in my early 30s and making an attempt to find him. Several years ago a girl I was with, at the time, had me do an ancestry DNA test but matches were very distant and I ignored it. Back in 2019 I had a match with someone that was closer but not that close. We talked and learned some pretty dark things regarding her father with warnings that I may not like what I find. So I decided to put it out of my mind. I was a college drop out who had just gotten back to school and close to finishing so I decided it was more important.

Well a week ago I checked and found someone even closer, possibly a half-cousin. We are in contact and her mother has agreed to do a test, as well, to see if we can further narrow things down. Having a lead so close opened up this old wound in me regarding my father. Throw in a mother who left and I’ve realized how deep this wound goes. I start randomly crying and I’ve probably cried more in the past week than I have several years. Additionally, I need to likely be prepared for something that could be ugly/dark. There’s already enough on my mother’s side from alcoholism, physical abuse, and sexual abuse (including directed towards children) so I think I’m mentally prepared. I just wasn’t expecting the random crying I’ve been doing. Does anyone have an experiences/thoughts they could share?

1 comment
  1. I generally knew when I was 18, but he had his doubts. I didn’t push for a paternity determination. Decades later there were DNA tests that confirmed my father’s identity. He discouraged his daughter from talking to me, and he doesn’t want anything to do with me.

    It is disappointing because had I known he played college football, I might have continued football beyond middle school. Plus, he was a high school golf and football coach that seemingly mentored young men, but he didn’t want me.

    Later I found out he married a woman 5 years older than me – which is weird.

    So, I know, but I doubt I will get a resolution.

    Be prepared for your father not to want anything to do with you. If he hasn’t contacted you, it may be a sign.

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